Council Meeting Minutes – July 2021

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 8th July 2021 online.
The meeting was hosted by Mr. Kibler using the “Zoom” video conferencing application. This was necessary due to the national Covid – 19 requirements for social distancing.

1. Attendance. R. Town in the chair with, J. Aldersley, I. Scholes, A. Kibler, M. Murray, G. Toulson, A. Rogers, J. Burton, B. Yates, J. Shergill, G. Roper and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. S. Stacey, H. Kingswell and J. Bentley.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Dated 3rd June 2021 were approved.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported the following financial transactions: –

Payments: – £14.39 for use of Zoom online meeting facility – June
£120.00 Printing cost for Journal
£32.00 Flowers for Mrs. Pease.
£383.85 Cost Of providing 26 meals to members & partners after Solstice Walk.

6. Correspondence. Mr. Murray said he had an email from The Printworks saying they have re-opened and are once more serving lunches for anyone who would like to book a table. Mr. Town advised us that he had been contacted by Mrs. Randall who had just received her husband’s copy of the Leeds Association of Engineers Journal, she was sadly letting us know that Clive has passed away.

7. Membership. Nothing to report. However, Mr. Town is trying to get a small advert for the Leeds Association of Engineers in the Thorite Newsletter that is sent out to their clients.

8. Current Programme. We have no further events in this season’s programme.

9. Next Session. Mr. Toulson has circulated a list of possible lectures/visits which had been created previously. This was done at the suggestion of Mr. Scholes, who said that a number of the possible events on the list were to be visits, but due to the changes in pandemic restrictions would not be able to go ahead as visits, but perhaps, some of these people/companies might offer us lectures instead. Mr. Roper said he might be able to arrange a visit to the Steam Workshop where he worked previously. He will investigate further and report back. He also said there is a possibility of getting a lecture on anaesthesia with someone called Joe Sugden. Mr. Yates suggested that we might approach Bruce McDougall who could give us a talk on a railway subject. Mr. Kibler will speak to his contact at Kirklees Light Railway to see if we can visit them in September and ride on the train, hopefully this will be our first meeting with members present in the 2021/2022 season. We discussed the possibility of having a face-to-face council meeting in September at Headingley Golf Club. This depends on how well the release from the current lockdown goes.

10. Website. Nothing to report other than everything is working well, and the website content is up to date.

11. Journal. The journal has been posted out to our members thanks to a magnificent effort by Mr. Bentley in compiling it and organising the printing.

12. Annual Golf Tournament. In the absence of Mr. Stacey, Mr. Toulson read out a statement prepared by Mr. Stacey (our golf secretary). The statement basically said that due to the restrictions surrounding the pandemic (Covid 19) there will be no golf tournament in 2021 and that we will try again in 2022. Mr Stacey’s full statement will appear on our website.

13. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler said he cannot organise anything due to current restrictions for Covid 19. He is hopeful that we should be able to do something in 2022.

14. Solstice Walk. Comments from the membership about this year’s walk was that it was a bit too long for some people. We persuaded Mr. Murray to accept £20 towards the cost of providing bottled water and cereal bars to walkers at the departure point.

15. Church Service. No possibility of doing anything before 2022.

16. Meeting Rooms. Mr. Scholes and Mr. Murray have visited the church hall in Morley and said it will provide everything we need including adequate parking. The room is available on Thursday evenings. We agreed that we need to have a couple of lectures organised before we make booking. Mr. Roper will speak to some of his prospective lecturers to see if they are willing and able to offer us a lecture in October.

17. Council Meetings. From October the monthly meeting will be back at the Corner House Club.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Town closed the meeting after thanking those who attended and advising that the next virtual meeting will be on Thursday the 5th August 2021.


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