Council Meeting Minutes – March 2017

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 2nd March 2017 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1. Attendance. B.Yates, President in the chair, J. Aldersley, M. Murray, S. Stacey, A. Kibler , H. Kingswell, I. Scholes, A. Rogers, J. Bentley, J. Shergill and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for Absence. K. Hegarty and G. Toulson.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 2nd February 2017 were approved & signed.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Bentley reported the following transactions :-

Received into savings account :- Subscriptions – £370.00
Sale of Sound Equipment                                       – £250.00

Cash payment to J. Shergill (protective equipment for lecture on puddling) – £7-00.

Mr. Bentley circulated copies of the accounts he has prepared for the 2017 A.G.M. These cover the period from 1st November 2015 to 31st October 2016. He explained that whilst the accounts show a loss of £718.25 for the year this is wholly accounted for by the decision to give members who attended the 2015 annual dinner a free dinner in 2016, to celebrate our 150 year anniversary. The cost of the free meals was £791.00. Which means actually we would have made a small profit. He said he felt the accounts show the association is financially healthy. Mr. Yates thanked Mr. Bentley for all his work in preparing the accounts.

6. Correspondence. Mr. Yates has been badgering Nigel MacKnight for an update on the Quicksilver project. Nigel says he will send us a progress report soon.

7. Membership. Mr. Aldersley has been in touch with Appris of Bradford in an effort to get their apprentices to join us. He was proposing offering them free membership but is having trouble getting past the red tape. They seem to be only interested in people offering sponsorship. We got no new applications this month.

8. Current Programme. We briefly discussed the A.G.M. that is to be held at Cleckheaton in April alongside the lecture by Paul Richards on photography and the use of Drones. Mr. Rogers said Paul Richards no longer has a Drone and asked that Mr. Kingswell brings his to the meeting and possibly demonstrate its use.

9. Next Session. Mr. Yates visited the science fayre recently and got into conversation with the sales director of 600 lathes. He said if we made contact we could have a visit next year. Mr. Kibler said his wife is investigating the possibility of a visit to the new waste disposal plant at South Kirby. We have the possibility of visiting Allied Glass (formerly Lax & Shaw) next year. We have visited them previously but this was several years ago.

10. Website. Nothing to report other than everything is working well. We need to add information about Keighley Association’s dinner that is planned for the 12th May 2017.

11. Golf. Mr Stacey told us that Gerry Allen is not fully retiring and will be working two days per week. Whether he will continue to organise Mitchell Fox’s involvement in the golf tournament is uncertain. Alan Braime will be at the Annual Dinner to be officially presented with the trophy for his 2016 win. Mr Stacey said Robert Johnson of Craftsman Tools has been very generous in supporting the tournament in the past although he has never played the tournament and indeed he only found out that he is a golfer through a friend. He will try encourage Robert to participate this year.

12. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler told us that most things are now organised although he still needs people’s menus / choices. He has arranged to meet the steward of Headingley Golf Club to finalise details.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Yates closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date