Council Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th May 2021 online.
The meeting was hosted by Mr. Kibler using the “Zoom” video conferencing application. This was necessary due to the national Covid – 19 requirements for social distancing.

1. Attendance. J. Aldersley in the chair with, I. Scholes, A. Kibler, J. Bentley, M. Murray, G. Toulson, J. Burton, B. Yates, J. Shergill, G. Roper, H. Kingswell and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. S. Stacey, R. Town and A. Rogers.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Dated 1st April 2021 were approved.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported the following financial transactions:-

Payments : – 2 x £14.39 for use of Zoom (online meeting facility April & May) = £28.78
1 x £10.79 Annual Fee, for Domain name

Received : – £15.00 Cheque from Mr. Thompson (subscription)
£81.00 Refunded from Scandura Cleckheaton for unused room hire.

6. Correspondence. Mr.Yates said he has spoken to John Pease with regard him giving us an online lecture. However, John said he is unable to do this because his wife is suffering from Parkinsons disease and he is now acting as her carer. Mr. Aldersley said he received an email from Vas (our member who lives in Australia). Vas said unfortunately he was unable to attend the online AGM due to the time difference. He did say that he is prepared to give us an online lecture based around the mine where he works in Australia.

7. Membership. Nothing to report.

8. Current Programme. Mr. Murray is in the process of organising our annual solstice walk which this year will be based around Farnley Hall Park (West Leeds). He is proposing that we visit the Greyhound Public House for a meal afterwards if this can be pre-ordered based on numbers from our members (pre-booking). We agreed that the meal would be paid for from association funds. Mr. Toulson will put a post on the website advertising the walk.

9. Next Session. Mr. Kibler will contact Neil at Kirklees Light Railway to establish what dates are available for us to visit. Our preference would be September, we did discuss the possibility of visiting on a weekend maybe the 25th or 26th September. Mr. Aldersley said that the college where he now works are having an open day in June which we might be able to attend, he will make enquires. He also mentioned one of his students called Luke Teddington who is converting a Morris Minor into a hot rod ! He is carrying out this work at his fathers commercial garage and he would be very happy to talk us through the build and view the car in the garage. Mr. Yates suggested that we might organise a visit one Sunday to Ellenroad Steam Museum if they reopen this year after the covid lockdown. It was also suggested that we contact Armley Mills (Museum). Mr. Roper said he has been working at Rolls Royce on the Science Park at Sheffield and there are a number of other high tech companies on that park. He will see if he can find details of who he should talk to in order to secure potential visits or lectures

10. Website. Mr. Toulson confirmed that the Domain fee has been paid. He said he has added new articles on the website, one of these is part 3 of Mr. Murray’s working life. Mr.Toulson said he is currently writing an article on Avro which he intends posting on the website in the near future.

11. Journal. Mr. Bentley advised us that the journal is complete and ready for printing. He has obtained a quotation for 150 copies at £1.20 each, but we said we thought 100 copies would be sufficient based on current membership. Mr. Bentley will get a revised quotation

12. Annual Golf Tournament. The 2021 tournament was postponed due to the possibility of covid restrictions still being in place. Mr. Roper said he has spoken to a company called Eco Fluids whose Managing Director is a very keen golfer. Mr. Roper said he will pass the details to Mr. Stacey (our golf secretary).

13.  Annual Dinner.  Mr. Kibler said he cannot organise anything yet due to current restrictions for Covid-19.19.

14.  Solstice Walk. Mr. Murray is currently planning the walk hopefully to take place on 24th June.

15. Church Service. No arrangements can be made at the moment.

16. Meeting Rooms. Mr Scholes and Mr. Murray are going to visit the church hall that we are considering using in the future for our meetings. Mr. Aldersley to approach Leeds City College to see if they could accommodate us if we put on any prestigious lectures.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Aldersley closed the meeting after thanking those who attended and advising that the next virtual meeting will be on Thursday the 3rd June 2021.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date