AGM and President’s Address…..

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Date(s) - 25/04/2019
7:15 pm - 9:00 pm


Please ignore ‘Map Unavailable’ above right… Google Maps want to start charging for access to use this embedded feature of the website ! A page with directions to the meeting venue is available using this link:-   REA Meeting Hall


Tonight we hold our 2019 Annual General Meeting. The meeting will be followed by an address by your outgoing president John Aldersley. John has amused us previously with his anecdotes so what could he have in store for us this evening ???


President 2017-2017 John Aldersley


The AGM is usually brief and members will have the opportunity to raise questions and make points. During the AGM you will be able to witness the investiture of the new President and Vice-President (for which we currently have a vacancy…) The accounts will be presented by the Treasurer for approval by the membership. Only members may cast votes during the AGM, but guests are always welcome to attend.

Members, please come along to join in the AGM and enjoy a talk afterwards.

As is the custom we will retire to a local hostelry for refreshments after the meeting……
