Date(s) - 20/06/2013
7:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Yeadon Tarn
Summer Solstice Walk and Supper….
This evening we will continue the tradition of a short walk for some fresh air and exercise and to keep in touch with each other during the summer months. This year we are walking around Yeadon Tarn (near Leeds Bradford Airport).
The walk will be followed by a Fish and Chip supper at ‘Murgatroyds‘ with supper commencing at 8.30 pm.
The supper is bookable (see the back page of your newsletter) and the closing date for booking the supper is Friday the 14th June.
In 2012 we held a ‘homemade’ Boomerang throwing competition which proved very successful and entertaining. What next ??? It has been proposed to hold a Frisbee throwing competition. Again, more details later, closer to the event.
We also usually have an informal Photography competition for the best photo of the evening, so do remember to bring along your cameras.
In the meantime here are a few photos from the 2012 walk….. Solstice Walk 2012