2007 Golf Day
These are some pictures from the 2007 Golf Day. Click on a picture to view as a slide show.
These are some pictures from the 2007 Golf Day. Click on a picture to view as a slide show.
Dear Members, On taking the office of President, one of the first things I noticed is the auspicious list of people who preceded me. We are an old organisation and have many traditions which go back to the Victorian period when the Association was founded. There is a very fine line between becoming a dinosaur and throwing away all that … Continue reading “2007 President’s Letter : Stephen Hall”
These are some photographs from the 2007 Annual Dinner. Click on a photograph to start a slideshow.
Dear Member, Welcome to our 2006/2007 session, if my maths are correct, the 141st, since the association was founded in 1865. Over that last months I have personally spent a considerable number of hours over our charity application for the association only to have it rejected on a number of points. On a positive note it was stated that any … Continue reading “2006 President's Letter : Bill Shelton”
As you can see, the walkers enjoyed a typical English summer evening. After the walk, we returned to the New Inn at Eccup where we were greeted by less fit members of the Association.
These are some pictures from the 2006 annual dinner. Click on a picture to view as a slideshow.
October saw a visit to the Skopos Vintage Car Museum.
Photographs from the Summer Solstice Walk.
These are some pictures from the 139th Annual Dinner held at the Allerton. Click on any picture to view in a slideshow.