Council Meeting Minutes – January 2015


Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 8th January 2015 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1. Attendance. A. Kibler (President) in the chair with, B. Yates, I. Scholes, M. Murray, A. Rogers, J. Shergill, , J. Bentley and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. G. Toulson, K. Hegarty, J. Aldersley and J. McClarty.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 4th December 2014 were, approved & signed.

4. Matters Arising. In a discussion with Mr Blakeley, Mr Toulson said he thought he was misrepresented in December’s council minutes. The issue was that his understanding was the free 150th Anniversary Dinner would only be advertised to our members after they had attended the 2015 annual dinner. He had no issue with the wording for the flyer. We discussed this at some length and agreed it was always intended to be an enticement to get members to attend in 2015. Mr. Murray said the December minutes also stated he was to be the keeper of the 100th anniversary certificate passed to him by Ivan Crowe (former president) however Mr. Kibler is the current keeper of the certificate.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Bentley made the following report.

Transactions to 24 December 2014.
Chaplin’s farewell meal £330. 00
Bottle of Whisky for raffle at Elland £18.00

Subscriptions £600.00
31/2% War Stock £37.80

Cheques written but not appearing on this statement Embsay Steam Railway  £100.00

He followed the discussion on finances by telling us of the difficulty we are having obtaining insurance cover for the golf trophies. Insurance companies will not insure them individually and the problem is exacerbated by the winner getting to keep the trophy at home. Mr. Bentley will ask Steve Stacey to investigate the possibility of Headingley Golf Club putting our trophies on their insurance. The other alternative would be for a member of the council to keep the trophies at home and put on their house insurance. We would then purchase a replica trophy and present to the winner of the golf competition.

6. Church Commemorative Plaque. We have a printed representation of the plaque which Mr. Kibler has sent to the engravers. He said he needs to discuss this further with the engravers to confirm that it can be done in colour. The intention is that the plate will be brass and this should be mounted on an oak background.

7. Correspondence. Mr. Rogers said he gets up to three emails per day requesting payment of our invoice for the annual dinner obviously spam!!

8. Membership. No new membership to report this month, but unfortunately one of our members has passed away and two members have resigned.

9. Current Programme. We discussed the ladies evening which we propose having at the Leeds City Food Academy. We said it is by no means certain that this will go ahead. The college require a minimum of thirty people to make it viable. We agreed to charge £12.50 per head in order to try and get the numbers, but this does mean the association will have to subsidise the event. We agreed that members can ask friends / non- members in order to secure sufficient numbers to put on the event. We discussed the forthcoming lecture by Nigel Macknight an update on Quicksilver, Mr .Yates will contact Nigel to discuss the content of the lecture. It was agreed that we would make a £100.00 donation to the Quicksilver project. We discussed the potential trip to JCB . Mr. Yates said he was very disappointed with the response so far only eight people have expressed an interest in attending.

10. Next Session. Nothing to report.

11. Website. Nothing to report other than it is all up to date.

12. Journal. Nothing to report.

13. Golf. The 2015 golf tournament will take place on Monday 29th June at Garforth Golf Club.

14. Annual Dinner. Mr Rogers said he has visited the Headingley Golf Club to discuss the menu with the chef. They agreed on 3 starters, 3 main courses and 3 sweets, with a plate of cheese and biscuits on each table. This would cost £20 per head which we considered very reasonable. He said the layout of the room looks ideal for our purpose and it would accommodate 75 people comfortably. Mr. Rogers said he will send out the invitations to delegates from the Hull, York and Keighley Associations. Mr. Kibler will email details of the new Chaplain of Leeds to Mr. Rogers so that he can make contact. Our next priority is to find a witty guest speaker. Mr. Rogers said he will try the undertaker who does after dinner speaking and is reputedly very good but his availability is quite limited.

15. Move of Council Meeting Venue. Not discussed at this meeting.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Kibler closed the meeting.

