Annual General Meeting – Thursday 28th April 2022

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Date(s) - 28/04/2022
7:30 pm - 9:15 pm

Morley Central Methodist Church Hall

Tonight we hold our 2022 Annual General Meeting.

The meeting to be held in the main hall at our New Venue in Morley will be followed by an entertaining and informative address by Jayanti Mistry and his colleague Mark Smith from ‘Kennametal‘.

The last AGM was held online in April 2021 due to Covid-19 restrictions. You can view and/or download the previous minutes using these links:-

To open up a new tab to view the minutes:-  2021 AGM Minutes

To open up a PDF file in a new tab to read and/or print a copy:- 2021 AGM Minutes PDF

For the information of voting members in advance of the meeting the current Council Members are as follows, with their specific appointments shown where applicable:-

Treasurer (Andrew Kibler), Journal Editor (John Bentley) and Secretary (Malcolm Murray) are all usually elected for a period of 1 year. The Honorary Golf Secretary (Steve Stacey) holds this permanent position and sits on the council.

President (Ross Town), Vice-President (John Aldersley) are elected for a period of 2 years.  Due to the Covid situation Ross and John have now served 3 years in their positions.  John has previously been president and kindly stepped in to fill the vacancy as Vice-President since the last AGM.

Ordinary Council Members, of which there are 8, are:- J. Burton, G. Toulson (Website Editor), I. Scholes, A. Rogers, J. Shergill, H. Kingswell, B. Yates and G. Roper. They are elected to serve a term of 2 years whilst the latter 4 retire in rotation each year and may be re-elected if they agree to serve. Details of those wishing to continue with council membership or resign will be announced at the meeting.

We have 3 Council Members acting as Trustees. These are fixed positions unless they leave the association:- K. Hegarty, J. Bentley & I. Blakeley (Minute Secretary).

The AGM is usually fairly brief and members will have the opportunity to raise questions and make points. During the AGM you will be able to observe the investiture of the new President and Vice-President.

Ordinary Members who may wish to step up and take on the roles of either President or Vice-President can volunteer their services at the AGM, even though they are not currently serving on the council.

The accounts will be presented by the Treasurer for approval by the membership. Only members may cast votes during the AGM, but guests are always welcome to attend.

Members, please come along to join in the AGM and enjoy a talk afterwards. Here is a clip about Kennametal you might find interesting:-

The Early Years of Kennametal…
Innovation, perseverance and close attention
to customer needs have characterized
Kennametal since its founding. In 1938 after
years of research, metallurgist Philip M.
McKenna created a tungsten-titanium carbide
alloy for cutting tools that provided a
productivity breakthrough in the machining of
steel. “Kennametal®” tools cut faster and
lasted longer, and thereby facilitated
metalworking in products from automobiles to
airliners to machinery.

As is the custom we will retire to a local hostelry for refreshments after the meeting……
