Date(s) - 25/02/2021
7:10 pm - 8:15 pm
Online Lecture: Speaker – Frank Smith
Thursday 25th February 2021 starting at 7.30 pm.
The meeting will be open from 7.10 pm for you to join and be ready for the start.
Our good friend Frank Smith who has given lectures to us in the past has kindly offered to give an online talk for members to enjoy whilst we are unable to meet in person. The lecture will last around 45 minutes.
Frank has entitled his talk as “Lock & Quay, Five Years in the Canal World” and he will regale us with recollections from his early career in civil engineering. Having heard him lecture before you are certain to be entertained by his many anecdotes and stories.
This will be our first ‘virtual lecture’ and will be delivered using the ‘Zoom’ application. Some of you will already be familiar with Zoom if you have been using it to keep in touch with family and friends.
Details of how to join the lecture are here…
For this meeting you do not need to download the Zoom software onto your device.
The online meeting is open to all members of the Leeds Association of Engineers and their guests. The meeting will be hosted by Andrew Kibler who will email in advance all members who are registered with us. The email will contain a ‘hyperlink’, that’s the one beginning with ‘https’. Clicking this link on your devices will open your browser and take you to the Zoom page, where you wait a few moments to join the online meeting. For those unfamiliar with Zoom here is a tip to aid your viewing:-
Once you have joined the meeting move your cursor to the top right hand corner of the window to reveal a 9 dot symbol and a drop down menu entitled ‘View’. You can then select either ‘Speaker View’ to be able to see only our guest speaker, or if you want to see other members of the audience in a grid format, select ‘Gallery View’. You can also select ‘Full Screen’ and swap back and forth as you wish.
Also, for those joining the meeting on either a phone or tablet please can you rename your window (if you know how!) with your own name as often the device displays, for example, ‘Samsung S20’ or ‘iPad’. Clicking on the name should allow you to ‘rename’ and insert your name in the field.
Please join the meeting from around 7.10 pm onwards in order to have everyone online in good time.
We politely request that the audience remain with their microphones muted so as not to interfere with the speaker. Thank you….
It may be possible to ask a few questions after Frank’s lecture. Please raise a hand to be ‘unmuted’ to speak.
This will be our first foray into the world of online meetings and so please bear with us if there are any technical glitches. It’s all new to us too !
Come along and give this new venture a try. We hope you have a good evening !