Visit: Sherburn Airfield – Saturday 29th April….

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Date(s) - 29/04/2023
12:00 am

Sherburn Airfield Visit

LAE member Neil Cobbold has kindly arranged for us to visit Sherburn Airfield. Of necessity it has to be a weekend visit on Saturday Afternoon 29th April 2023 at 1.00 pm.

Location (click for Google map):  The Aerodrome, New Lennerton Lane, Sherburn in Elmet, LS25 6JE

We will hear a talk about the history, followed by a tour of the hangars and workshops. Then finally observe the landings and take-offs before retreating to their very nice cafe for food and drinks.

Find out more with this link:  Sherburn Airfield

Limited numbers due to security mean you should book your places as soon as possible. Contact either of these council members to make your booking:-

Andrew Kibler:   07534 220273   Email:  (preferred)

Malcolm Murray:   07775 042092   Email:  (preferred)
