Minutes from the 2013 Annual General Meeting


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting  + Lecture by Ian Mearns of Caterpillar Trucks (Peterslee) “ Dump Truck” – a lecture describing the Design Challenges presented in off road vehicles – 7.15pm on Thursday 25th April 2013 at Scandinavia Trust Hall Cleckheaton.

1.    Attendance– Nineteen members of Leeds Association of Engineers were at the meeting along with one guest. Mr Shergill introduced Ian Mearns, a member of the Association, who gave a superb talk on the challenges of designing and manufacturing off road vehicles for the quarrying industry. After thanking Mr. Mearns, Mr. Shergill opened the AGM by thanking people for their attendance.

2.    Apologies for absence.  M. Armstrong, G. Toulson, & K. Hegarty.

3.    Minutes of the previous A.G.M. Held on 26th April 2012 were given to all members; Mr Murray proposed these should be accepted as a true record of the past AGM, this proposal was seconded by Mr Shergill and approved by a show of hands.

4.    Matters Arising. None.

5.    Daytime Visits. Mr. Shergill said that due to difficulty in obtaining factory visits he would like to propose that we try obtain daytime visits, this would increase the number of companies we are able to approach. He said this might encourage our retired members to attend although it could be difficult for those who are still working.  He added these would be additions to our programme. Mr. Norris proposed that we also look at weekend visits to Industrial Museums etc. this was agreed.

6.    Website. Mr. Shergill asked whether the members used the website and were they happy with the content. The general consensus was that it is being used and people are happy with the way it is developing.

7.    Membership Report. Mr Murray said membership is holding steady at around 84 and the subscription deficit has been reduced. He said the struggle to get factory visits is partially due to our meetings being in the evening but also public liability insurance plays its part. We are managing to get people to give us lectures and everyone seems happy with our Cleckheaton Lecture venue, although if we had a large prestige lecture we might choose to host it at Leeds University. He emphasised the importance of every one of our members being active in recruiting. It is important that we get a younger group of engineers to join us. We have our 150th Anniversary on the horizon in two years time and council will be looking for ways to use this occasion to promote the association. Any ideas from the membership will be welcomed.

8.    Treasurers Report.  Copies of the audited accounts for the year ending 31st October 2012 were circulated to members.  Mr Bentley summarised the important details of the accounts to the membership and invited questions.  After all questions were answered Mr. Murray proposed that the accounts should be accepted, this was seconded by Mr. Blakeley and agreed with a show of hands by the membership. Any member wishing to read a more detailed report can ask Mr. Blakeley for a copy of Mr. Bentley’s comments on accounts (for period 1st November 2011 to 31st October 2012).

9.    Dinner Secretary’s Report. Mr. Rogers commented that more members are present at this AGM than attended the Annual Dinner. He questioned whether we are doing something wrong. He said the survey circulated last year provoked little response, only seventeen people out of the seventy seven who attended the Annual Dinner were members of the association.  He questioned whether people do not attend because they do not own dinner jackets, and pointed out that lounge suits are quite acceptable. He said this year we have actively encouraged the members to bring their partners to boost the numbers. The last dinner (2012) will have made a loss because we booked an expensive speaker to encourage ticket sales. We are looking at the possibility of moving the annual dinner to May next year because we feel this might be better for the membership. Mr. Kibler commented that we will put a blog on the website to allow members to give us some feedback.

10.    Retiring Presidents Report. Mr. Shergill said he had enjoyed his time as president and thanked the membership for electing him and making this possible. He thanked council for all their work in supporting him and asked them to support Mr. Kibler with the same vigour.

11.    Investiture. Mr Shergill said his last act, as president is to pass the chain of office to his former Vice President Mr. Kibler thus making him our new President.

12.     Election of Vice President. Mr. Yates has agreed to stand for the roll of Vice President, he was proposed by Mr. Murray and seconded by Mr. Blakeley. He was voted in with a show of hands by the membership.

13.    Election of Treasurer. Mr. Yates proposed that Mr. Bentley should continue in his role as Treasurer, this was seconded by Mr. McClarty and confirmed by a show of hands of the membership.

14.    Resignation of Council Members. Mr Kibler said the following members; Mr Aldersley, Mr Murray and Mr McClarty, having served their designated time on Council are obliged to offer their resignations.

15.    Proposal and Election of Council Officers. Mr Kibler said Mr Aldersley, Mr Murray and Mr McClarty are willing to offer themselves for re-election if the membership wished them to continue.  They were all proposed by Mr Bentley and seconded by Mr Blakeley. He also asked whether any of the membership were prepared to stand for election, Mr Scholes said he was prepared to do so and was proposed by Mr Murray and seconded by Mr Bentley. Mr Kibler asked that these people should be voted on council en-bloc this was accepted with a show of hands by the membership.

16.    Re- Affirmation of Trustees. Mr Kibler said we should confirm the names of the Trustees of Leeds Association of Engineers. He read out the names of the current trustees. Mr Michael Armstrong, Mr Kevin Hegarty and Mr John Bentley and asked that the membership confirm that they wish them to continue. This was confirmed by a show of hands of the membership.

17.    Notice of Forthcoming Events. Mr Shergill announced that the next event is the Annual Church Service on the 12th May, this will be followed by a bar meal at the Palace Hotel (local public house) this will be subsidised for members who attend the service. Other remaining events in this session include the Annual Golf Tournament and the Mid Summer Walk.

Any Other Business. Having no further business Mr Kibler closed the AGM after thanking all who attended for their contribution.

…………………………………..President.   …………….. ………. Date