Lecture: Explosives !!! “Things that go Bang! in the night”

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Date(s) - 27/09/2018
7:15 pm - 9:00 pm

The September meeting will be held at our regular venue, the REA Meeting Hall in Cleckheaton.

Please ignore ‘Map Unavailable’ above right… Google Maps want to start charging for access to use this embedded feature of the website ! A page with directions to the meeting venue is available using this link:-   REA Meeting Hall


“Things that go Bang! in the night”


For our opening event of the 2018-2019 session of events we welcome Ian McKay of Bancroft Mill Engine Trust to lecture to us on the subject of ‘Explosives !’

Ian sent this message about his lecture:-

It is a light-hearted scamper  – with serious undertones – through a millennium of explosives development, giving some ideas about how explosives have changed the world in both war and peace. I have touched on how changes influenced by explosives over the centuries have influenced things such as political thinking, human behaviour, architecture and engineering.  The changes are still going on and there’s plenty of opportunities yet!

Please don’t hesitate to come along as you will be quite safe and we have no intention of blowing you all up !

As is the custom we will retire to a local hostelry afterwards for refreshments and further socialising….
