Notification of Alternative Events….

Members please take a moment to have a look at details of three recently published events.  (Click on the links to take you to the event pages.)  Note that the Forthcoming Events list only shows the next five events and the JCB event below will not appear on the list until after 25th February……  Bookings for this event have to … Continue reading “Notification of Alternative Events….”

Quicksilver World Water Speed Record – Update….

The Leeds Association of Engineers is proud to be one of the corporate sponsors of the Quicksilver World Water Speed Record Craft.                 Our associate Nigel Macknight, who is the principal of the project, has sent us an update on this exciting record attempt. The record is at present held by an Australian … Continue reading “Quicksilver World Water Speed Record – Update….”

The Leeds Minster 150th Year Commemorative Plaque….

The presentation of the Memorial Plaque produced to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Leeds Association of Engineers and its connection with St. Peter’s at Leeds (Leeds Parish Church) now known as Leeds Minster was made on Sunday 26th April 2015. The presentation was made by the President Andrew Kibler to Reverend Canon Charles Dobbin and one of the Churchwardens.   … Continue reading “The Leeds Minster 150th Year Commemorative Plaque….”

Miniature Schneider Trophies…. by John Kelsall

Leeds Association member John Kelsall has written an interesting and amusing report about producing ‘Miniature Schneider Trophies‘. It was originally sent to members of the committee of the Royal Aero Club of which John is a member. He sent a copy to our President, Barrie Yates, and with John’s permission we publish it here for your enjoyment…. Miniature Schneider Trophies … Continue reading “Miniature Schneider Trophies…. by John Kelsall”

The Bugatti 100P “Blue Dream” Project…..

When we think of Bugatti, we generally think of classic sportscars like the T13 and modern day supercars such as the all-conquering Veyron. However, back in the late 1930s, Ettore Bugatti also set out to build racing aircraft. In 1937 he began construction on a radical machine that had a swept-forward wing design, a twin-V tailplane, and twin contra-rotating propellers … Continue reading “The Bugatti 100P “Blue Dream” Project…..”

150th Anniversary Presentation to Leeds Minster….

This year the Leeds Association of Engineers celebrates its 150th anniversary since being formed in 1865. This post is to bring to your attention this very special event in our calendar. Click this link for further details:-   Commemorative Plaque A special Commemorative Memorial Plaque is to be unveiled at Leeds Minster, better known to most of us as Leeds Parish … Continue reading “150th Anniversary Presentation to Leeds Minster….”

Forthcoming Session of Lectures and Visits….

Your President, Barrie Yates, sends greeting to members and hopes you have all had a good summer during this 150th anniversary year of the Leeds Association of Engineers. Click here to read Barrie’s message to members….   President’s Letter 2015 The 2015-2016 session of lectures and visits kicks off on 24th September with a talk by our very own John … Continue reading “Forthcoming Session of Lectures and Visits….”