The Flying Car…..

The idea of a flying car as a mode of personal transport has been imagined for almost a century ever since the Wright Brothers first took to the air in the first heavier-than-air powered aircraft on December 17th 1903.   In 1926 Henry Ford displayed an experimental single seat aircraft called the ‘Sky Flivver’. It wasn’t so much a flying … Continue reading “The Flying Car…..”

Harley-Davidson – A 1925 Motorcycle Resurrection…..

Our President Barrie Yates has a friend Paul Duff who has performed a miracle resurrection (it might be an understatement to call it a restoration) of a 1925 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Paul acquired a pile of parts which were almost unrecognisable as what was once a motorcycle and he has painstakingly rebuilt this machine into the fine example that we can … Continue reading “Harley-Davidson – A 1925 Motorcycle Resurrection…..”

Quicksilver – An update on the World Water Speed Record Project

Members will recall an excellent lecture back in February 2015 by Nigel MacKnight, founder and leader of the Quicksilver Project. Here is a link to the January Update showing the progress so far…. January Report It is nearly 50 years since Britain last held this prestigious international prize, and the laurels won for the nation by Donald Campbell. Nigel told us … Continue reading “Quicksilver – An update on the World Water Speed Record Project”

Report on the January Meeting….. by Alex Rogers

At the meeting on the 26th January 2017 we arranged to have a talk given by the West Yorkshire Lieutenancy, which was organised by our council member Jas. Shergill J.P. and what a good and interesting evening it turned out to be. The deputy Lord Lieutenant who addressed us at our meeting was David Pearson, a very charming gentleman indeed, … Continue reading “Report on the January Meeting….. by Alex Rogers”

“Black Five” – An Article By John Bentley…..

Here is a treat for all you locomotive enthusiasts ! You will recall keen railway modeller, our Treasurer John Bentley, lecturing on his hobby of building model locomotives. I have cajoled him to put together an article about his latest model, the Stanier ‘Black Five’ along with some photographs (after the article). Thank you John for your contribution… GT – Editor. … Continue reading ““Black Five” – An Article By John Bentley…..”

Report on the 2016 150th Anniversary Dinner with Photos !

The Leeds Association of Engineers reached a milestone in 2015 reaching 150 years since formation in 1865. Apart from breaks during times of war during the 20th century an Anniversary Dinner has been held annually. It is interesting to look back at the history of this prestigious event in the Association’s calendar…… For many years the dinner was held at … Continue reading “Report on the 2016 150th Anniversary Dinner with Photos !”