Council Meeting – April 2018

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 5th April 2018 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1. Attendance. J. Aldersley President in the chair with B. Yates, J. Bentley, J. Shergill, I. Scholes, H. Kingswell, G. Toulson, A. Kibler, S. Stacey and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. R. Town, A. Rogers, M. Murray and K. Hegarty.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 8th March 2018 were approved & signed.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported that he paid £207.45 cost of the ladies evening on his personal credit card and refunded the money to himself by bank transfer. This was the only transaction since the last meeting.

6. Correspondence. Mr. Aldersley had been in contact with Dean at Appris regarding selection of students for our proposed student award scheme. Dean said he will make some proposals soon, but has not yet done so.

7. Membership. In the absence of Mr. Murray we had no report.

8. A.G.M. We need to ascertain which members of the current council need to resign and apply for re-election in order to comply with our constitution. Mr. Aldersley will consult with Mr. Murray when he returns from holiday. We have one vacancy on council to fill at the A.G.M. if we can find a candidate. Mr. Toulson requested a copy of the 2015 A.G.M. minutes to post on our website.

9. Annual Church Service. Our annual church service will be on the 6th May 2018 at Leeds Parish Church followed by a free bar meal at the Palace Hotel for Leeds Association members and their partners who attend the service. Mr. Aldersley will contact the vicar to obtain the reading.

10. Current Programme. We have been in contact with Frank Smith to confirm that he is still available to give his talk in May in light of his recent illness. Frank said he is looking forward to meeting up again and will make arrangements with the hotel he used in the past when he spoke to us (Leeds Association have agreed to pick up the bill). He said he does not wish to meet up for a meal prior to giving his talk, but did seek confirmation that our new venue for the talk has a projection screen. Frank will bring his own projector. We also need to confirm a venue for our Mid Summers Day walk.

11. Next Session. Mr Toulson suggested that we should form a small committee to assemble the programme for the next session to avoid the situation we had this season. A number of suggestions were made including approaching Lax & Shaw (glass makers) and a Huddersfield based brewery. Of course these were only ideas to be pursued along with a number of leads we already have. The make-up of the committee should be agreed at our May council meeting. We agreed that the aim should be to have a programme in place to the end of 2018 before the new season starts in September.

12. Student Award Scheme. No progress made.

13. Website. The website is up to date with no issues; we need to pay the annual fee of £44.39 which is the same as last year after some negotiation on our behalf by Mr. Toulson.

14. Golf. Mr. Stacey told us the trophy is now engraved with the name of last year’s winner ready for presentation at the annual dinner. Gerry Allen is very willing to help on the day of this year’s tournament and will try to encourage guests, who attended previously with Mitchell Fox, to attend as private entrants. Mr. Stacey said he has two company contacts that would possibly bring a number of guests but he wants to give people who have supported us in the past first priority. Alan Braime is working away in the Far East so not really contactable. Mr. Stacey said he will go to discuss the menu in June when he has a better understanding of how many will attend. He will then give a cost price for anyone wishing to attend the presentation and evening meal only.

15. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler said that everything is now in place. Last year’s dinner we had 8 tables and 48 guests, this year it will be 67 and the number of members attending is much improved. He has been in contact with the chef who confirmed he was happy with the arrangements. This year there will be five raffle prizes and we will ask that everyone entering the raffle should make a minimum donation of one pound but is welcome to put in more. We agreed the raffle proceeds should go to St. Gemma’s Hospice. We have only five non- paying guests this year. The Reverend of Leeds Parish Church will say a short prayer before the meal and the only speaker will be our President Mr. Aldersley. We agreed that the first drink for all attending will be free (part of the ticket price).
Any Other Business. Having no other business Mr. Aldersley closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date