Council Meeting Minutes – May 2018

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 10th May 2018 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1. Attendance. J. Aldersley President in the chair with I. Scholes, J. Bentley, J. Shergill, G. Roper, A. Rogers, G. Toulson, A. Kibler, S. Stacey, K. Hegarty and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. R. Town, M. Murray and H. Kingswell.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 5th April 2018 were approved & signed.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported the following transactions :-

8th March 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £50.00
19th March 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £50.00
26th March 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £50.00
26th March 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £100.00
4th April 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £50.00
7th April 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £100.00
7th April 18 – LAE Dinner Payment £1175.00

29th March 18 – Gem Stones Speaker Payment £50.00
7th April 18 – Website Payment £44.39
7th April 18 – LAE Dinner Payment to Headingley £1571.70
9th April 18 – REA Room Hire Payment £54.00
24th April 18 – Hull Dinner attendance R. Town – £72.19
24th April 18 – Stamps purchased by I. Scholes – £8.12
6th May 18 – Church Lunch (paid by A. Kibler) – £128.18

Cash Transactions
22nd March 18 – I. Scholes Envelopes – £1.00
24th March 18 – Prizes for 2018 Annual Dinner – £24.85
30th March 18 – Card for Dinner Documents – £6.99
7th April 18 – Tubs for tips at Annual Dinner – £0.75

6. Correspondence. Mr. Kibler had some correspondence with Steven Gledhill regarding room hire. Whilst we are very grateful for use of the Mandate Systems facility, we are proposing returning to Cleckheaton next season because of the better parking.

7. Membership. In the absence of Mr. Murray we had no report.

8. Annual Church Service. Our annual church service was attended by 13 people (including partners) from Leeds Association. This was followed by a free bar meal at the Palace Hotel.

9. Current Programme. Frank Smith has booked his own accommodation for the night he delivers his lecture to us. Frank declined the offer of a meal prior to giving his talk. Mr Aldersley will contact Mr. Murray regarding arrangements for the Solstice walk, at present we have no confirmed venue.

10. Next Session. Mr Scholes brought along information from Air Yorkshire Aviation Society who are willing to give a power point presentation about their activities. He had also been in contact with Leeds Parish Church who have agreed to show us round but this cannot be on a Thursday. Mr. Scholes had also been in contact with a Huddersfield brewery who give guided tours of their facility at a cost of £12 / head. This includes six 1/3 gill glasses of beer per visitor and a small pie, Mr. Kibler suggested that if we make this visit we should make it free for our members. It was decided that Mr. Toulson , Mr. Scholes and Mr. Aldersley would form a small committee and meet up within the next month to begin assembling a programme for the next session to avoid the situation we had this season where we started the session with no programme in place.

11. Student Award Scheme. Mr. Aldersley has been in touch with Appris but they have still not nominated any students for the award. We have been informed that they are shortly due to open a skill centre.

12. Website. The website is up to date with no issues. The Annual Dinner pictures will be on there soon, Mr. Scholes has supplied them to Mr. Toulson on DVD. Mr. Toulson is writing an article about Scriven Machine Tools which he intends posting on the website.

13. Golf. The tournament is eight weeks away. Mr. Stacey told us that Gerry Allen has seen Steve Hazeldine at Mitchell Fox who gave the ok for him to approach customers / contacts who have attended our tournament as Mitchell Fox guests. Steve Hazeldine said he will still give us some sponsorship. Mr. Stacey said in the past we have always tried to give a prize to everyone who participated in the tournament. He will still try to maintain this but the lower prizes might only be something like three golf balls, depending on the amount of sponsorship we can get. He said that we should give Gerry Allen a free day at the tournament for his help in the organisation and this should be followed up with a free place at our annual dinner, this was agreed by council. Mr. Stacey said he needs to speak to the golf club and get the numbers confirmed. He sees this very much as a transition year that will give him a view to how future year’s tournaments will look.

14. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler reported that reaction to this year’s dinner had been very positive. Steven Gledhill had commented that he thought people would circulate more. Perhaps we could do something in the future to encourage this. Mr. Kibler said he sent the raffle money to St Gemma’s hospice and they have been in contact with him three times already.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Aldersley closed the meeting.

……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date