Council Meeting Minutes – February 2013


Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday  7th February  2013 at  the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.  

1.  Attendance. J. Shergill (President) in the chair with A. Kibler, J. Aldersley, B. Yates, J. Bentley, J. McClarty, A. Rogers, G. Toulson, M. Murray and I. Blakeley.

2.  Apologies for absence. T. Ashton & K. Hegarty.

3.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 3rd January were, approved & signed.

4.  Matters Arising.  None.

5.  Treasurers Report.  Mr. Bentley reported the following transactions.

Debits £1000 to Savings account.

Credits £3.75 from 21/2% Consolidation Stock

£148.50 from Barrie Yates for Balance to IMAX

£60.00 For subscriptions

JB also reported a loss of £162 for the last fiscal year.

JB also brought to our attention that it would soon be time for our audit and brought up the question of if this should be done officially?

GT said it was in our rules that we have to appoint a third party for this. Checks were made and it was confirmed, though it does not mention that this person has to be a qualified accountant.

GT proposed Graham Mallinson, which was agreed by all. A review of this procedure to be brought up and reviewed at the AGM

6.  Annual Church Service. No change to date.

7.  Correspondence.  GT received a mail from a Mr. Ernest Andrews regarding linking web-sites with the Manchester Association of Engineers. Needless to say GT will (if not already completed) create a link between our societies. The e-mail contains a lot more interesting information. Anyone wanting to read the full mail should simply contact GT. We also received a mail (via MM) from a Mr Frank Gudgeon to tender his resignation. In this mail comments were made regarding our recent move from the Leeds University and these comments were discussed. The consensus of opinion was that we have a better attendance now and are happy to stay at Cleckheaton, although we may have some lectures at the university.

8.  Current Programme. The visit to Surgical Innovations on the 28th March has yet to be confirmed by BY. Though we have generally made visits on Thursday’s it was agreed that we should not let this cause problems and if need be choose another day of the week. MM requires suggestions for the solstice walk.

9.  Membership. As above we have had 1 resignation, with our president commenting that he may have 1 or 2 new members in the pipe line.

10.  Next Session.  GT has a contact that may lead to a possible visit. The company in question manufactures cloth. To be confirmed.

11.  Website. GT is looking at viewing more than 12-months of events, which is currently limited on our web. Namesco, our web host, requires renewal and if we remember it was suggested by Kally Shergill that we should consider a move. GT will look into this and report at the next meeting

12.  Golf. Is fully arranged.

13.  Annual Dinner. AR reported that all is going well to date. Leeds 17 has offered us the use of a screen, which AR has accepted. Unfortunately Doosen Babcock, who had 2 tables last year, has said they will not be attending. Simon Broadbent gave his regards but also cannot attend. AR produced a member’s task list and gave copies to everyone. AK agreed to take pictures but said getting to venue at 7:00pm may be difficult. The agenda for the evening is complete, with a view to reducing the length of speeches and allow more social time. MM said that Calder Morley has offered to put some stationary onto the tables for us. MM to let them have our thanks. GT was badgered and agreed to produce a rolling picture intro for presentation prior to commencement of the dinner.

14.  Any other Business.  MM suggested that we should consider a subs increase and present it to the AGM. Council opinion was that we should leave this at the present time. BY suggested moving the council meetings to 7:15 – 7:30 to allow working members more time to arrive. This was agreed by all.

Having no other business the president closed the meeting.

……………………………………………President.            ……………….. Date