Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 6th February 2014 at
. The Cornerhouse Club Leeds.
1. Attendance. A. Kibler (President) in the chair with J. Aldersley, I. Scholes, M. Murray and I. Blakeley.
2. Apologies for absence. G. Toulson, J. Shergill, J. McClarty, B. Yates, A. Rogers, J. Bentley and K. Hegarty.
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 2nd January 2014, were approved and signed.
4. Matters Arising. None.
5. Treasurers Report. In the absence of Mr. Bentley no financial transactions were reported. We were however advised that we have had an invoice from Leeds University for £106.02 for the hire of a lecture theatre (Quicksilver lecture).
6. Church Commemorative Plaque. Mr. Kibler said we have made good progress with the church, our proposed plaque had been viewed by the Parish Council and they suggested a minor change in the wording. We discussed putting the Leeds Association’s emblem in one corner of the plaque and it was agreed that we should ask Leeds Parish Church if they also have an emblem we could use (possibly St. Peter’s Keys). Mr Scholes had visited the engraving company in Elland but the person he needed to see was not there.
7. Correspondence. Mr. Kibler has accepted the invitation from Hull Association of Engineers to attend their awards dinner. We received a letter from the Air Ambulance confirming the lecture on the 27th February 2014.
8. Membership. Mr. Murray brought a membership application form for Justin Mubwandarikwa. After reading out his application Mr. Blakeley proposed that his membership should be accepted and this was seconded by Mr. Scholes. A show of hands by those present agreed the proposal.
9. Current Programme. No change, other than the visit to the Air Ambulance is now changed to a lecture. Mr. Kibler said that the talk they give is a promotional one with the aim of raising funds. We agreed to make a £100 donation to their cause (from Leeds Association Funds). Mr. Kibler will email Mr. Bentley and ask him to prepare a cheque.
10. Next Session. Mr. Kibler will contact Harry Jackson to see if he has any lectures that he feels will be appropriate for our group. Mr. Murray will try once more to contact ‘Letter Press’ to ask if they will allow us a factory visit.
11. Website. Nothing to report.
12. Journal. Nothing to report.
13. Golf. Nothing to report.
14. Annual Dinner. No Change.
Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Kibler closed the meeting.
……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date