Council Meeting Minutes – January 2014

                                      THE LEEDS ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 2nd  January 2014 at The Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1.    Attendance. A. Kibler (President) in the chair with J. Aldersley, J. Bentley, A. Rogers,    I. Scholes  M. Murray and I. Blakeley.

2.    Apologies for absence. G. Toulson, J. Shergill, J. McClarty, B. Yates and K. Hegarty.

3.    Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 5th December 2013 were, approved & signed.

4.    Matters Arising.  None.

5.    Treasurers Report.  Mr. Bentley reported the following transactions.

Bank transactions,
Quicksilver top up            £200.00
Cash (ladies evening)        £50.00

31/2% war stock      £37.80
Subscriptions          £675.00

Ladies Evening (Cash)
Collected £83 50
Meals £150.00 plus tip £10.00 = £160  meals charged for 30 @ £5 on special offer at £10 for 2

Contribution to meals £76.50.
Speaker expenses £20.00

Savings Account Balance     – No longer disclosed in Council minutes.

Mr. Bentley told us that we have not yet been invoiced for the Quicksilver Lecture (by Leeds University). He said that Nigel MacKnight of Quicksilver has been in touch to let him know he has received our second cheque for £200, this now makes us a corporate member of their organisation. However, he did say our first cheque has gone missing somewhere between him and the bank, he will let us know if the cheque turns up.

6.    Church Commemorative Plaque.  We discussed the picture of the proposed plaque that Mr. Kibler had circulated  by email prior to our meeting. We decided that it might look better with the L.A.E. Logo in the top left hand corner.  We were unsure whether the church should be referred to as Leeds Minster or Leeds Parish Church, Mr. Kibler will ask Tony Bundock for confirmation of the correct wording. He will circulate further drawings of the proposed plaque in three different fonts to council members who should email him back with their preference. Mr. Scholes will visit the Laser Engraving company based in Elland to ascertain what they can  offer us in terms of engraving and an approximate cost.

7.    Correspondence.  Mr. Kibler has received an invitation from Hull Association of Engineers to attend their awards dinner on the 28th February 2014. He said he has made it his mission, as President of the Association, to make companies aware of our existence and hopefully recruit them as corporate members of our association. He has written to between 30 and 40 companies over the last few months and received only two replies but will continue to try.

8.    Membership. Mr. Murray said we have not had any requests from anyone wanting to join us this month. He has written to three members who are in arrears for three years subscriptions but has not had any response therefore they will be removed from the membership list.

9.    Current Programme. No change. Our next event will be a lecture by Mr. Yates “Zero Point Energy” .

10.    Next Session.  Mr. Kibler will contact Harry Jackson to see if he has any lectures that he feels will be appropriate for our group. Mr. Murray will try once more to contact Letter Press to ask if they will allow us a factory visit.

11.    Website. Mr. Toulson has made a link from our site to the Quick Silver website. Mr. Kibler or Mr. Toulson will edit our website to make it easier to find the dates for council meetings.
12.     Journal. Nothing to report.

13.     Golf. Nothing to report.

14.     Annual Dinner. Mr. Rogers said he will start organising the event at the end of February, he commented that the speaker is already booked.

Any other Business.  Having no other business Mr. Kibler closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President.            ……………….. Date