Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 2nd November 2017 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.
1. Attendance. J. Aldersley President in the chair with R. Town, M. Murray, A. Kibler, I. Scholes, S. Stacey, G. Toulson, J. Bentley, A. Rogers and I. Blakeley.
2. Apologies for absence. H. Kingswell, J.Shergill, K. Hegarty and B. Yates.
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 5th October 2017 were approved & signed.
4. Matters Arising. None.
5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported the following transactions :-
04-10-17 – Cheque 0000000551 – £4.99
05-10-17 – Room Hire Golf TB (Kevin Hegarty) – £40.00
31-10-17 – Telephone Banking TB050055 00245245 – £1000.00
The Balance for both the current account and the savings accounts were given at the council meeting but are not published due to minutes appearing on the internet.
6. Correspondence. No significant correspondence received this month, however Mr. Toulson said he had made numerous phone calls and emailed 600 Group in an attempt to secure a factory visit. He got absolutely zero response.
7. Membership. We have received an application form from Apris (training school) who we visited last month. We offered them a free corporate membership and they have accepted this subject to approval by council and our membership. Mr. Aldersley proposed Apris membership at the meeting and this was seconded by Mr. Kibler and approved with a show of hands by council members.
8. Current Programme. We have had great difficulty filling all the dates for lectures / visits in the events programme. We decided that as we have nothing booked for December and attendance at this time of year is normally poor, we will not try book anything at this late stage. We have had difficulty filling the programme in January 2018, Mr. Scholes suggested that we ask Mr. Kingswell (council member) who gave an excellent talk to his church group on the use of Drones in aerial photography for site surveys etc. Mr. Aldersley said it might be a visit to Bradford College in March unless we can arrange an alternative, the lecture in April will be by someone from Kennametal and will be followed by the AGM. Mr. Scholes confirmed the date of the annual church service as 6th May 2018.
9. Next Session. Nothing to report.
10. Student Award Scheme. We have proposed to Apris that they nominate an outstanding student for us to make a student award to as we have previously done with other colleges. We feel we need to get this done quickly to maintain momentum, having made the visit and offer last month. In the past the winner got a shield and a prize to the value of £20 along with 5 years student membership of our association. We agreed that we will offer a prize to the value of £300 which will be split amongst 3 students which should be nominated by the college, one from each of the key areas in which they tutor apprentices. Each of the prize winners will be offered 5 years free membership of our association. We might approach Mitchell Fox to see if we can get any discount for the students when they select their prizes. Mr. Aldersley will approach Apris to see what they feel about our proposals.
11. Website. Mr. Toulson advised us that the website is up to date. He said he has written to Apris asking if they would like to put a link from our website.
12. Golf. Mr. Stacey told us that in recent years Mitchell Fox have brought as many as twenty people to the golf tournament. But this year they did not bring any. In the past the golf entry from Mitchell Fox was co-ordinated by Gerry Allen and many of the people attending were customers. Steve Richart, Mr. Stacey’s contact at Mitchell Fox, said he feels that they will not be bringing anyone to the golf in the future as they no longer have golfers amongst the employees. Mr. Stacey said he will speak to Gerry Allen and try get a list of people who Mitchell Fox invited in the past to see if they would be interested in attending as private entries. Mr. Stacey said he has made a provisional booking for 36 people at Garforth golf club but this number may go down.
13. Annual Dinner. Mr.Kibler has secured the venue Headingley Golf Club for the 7th April 2018 but it is too early yet to visit and discuss menus. He is hopeful of getting the same menu as the 2017 dinner which seemed well liked by everyone and he is trying to keep the price at the 2017 level. Mr. Kibler told us that the golf club have a new chef but he has not met him yet. We have already invited Paul Beaumont who gave us the talk on Jowett cars and Dean Coleman-Walker plus his colleague who gave us the site visit at Apris. Mr Kibler will contact Keighley Association in January 2018 to invite their president and ask if they have anyone else who would like to attend (paying guests).
Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Aldersley closed the meeting.
……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date