Date(s) - 06/07/2018
9:15 am - 10:00 pm
Garforth Golf Club
PLEASE NOTE ! Due to circumstances beyond our control the Golf Tournament has had to be delayed by one week to the New Date below. (It was originally planned for 29th June.)
Hon. Golf Secretary Steve Stacey has booked the 2018 Golf Tournament at Garforth Golf Club on Friday 6th July 2018.
Leeds Association of Engineers Golf Day 2018
The Golf Tournament is in its 80th Year
Event held at at Garforth Golf Club on Friday 6th July
The day consists of:
Bacon Sandwich and Coffee from 9.15am
9 Hole (Team of 3) Morning Event from 10.00am
Sandwiches and Chips for lunch (from 12.30pm)
18 Hole Individual Event for the Braime Trophy and other prizes (from 1.30pm)
3 Course Evening Meal (including wine)
Presentation of Prizes and Cups (hopefully a prize for everybody)
Price: £56 per head for the Full Day (£50 per head for lunch onwards)
If you will be participating then please add the date to your diaries and contact Steve Stacey right now to make your booking:-
Tel:- 0113 293 38 36 Mobile:- 07902 948 503