Minutes of the Annual General Meeting + Lecture by John Bentley, Building ‘O’ Gauge Locomotives from Kits.
7.15pm on Thursday 10th April 2014 at Scandinavia Trust Hall Cleckheaton
1. Attendance. Fifteen members of Leeds Association of Engineers were at the meeting. Mr Kibler introduced John Bentley a long time member and Treasurer of our association who gave a fascinating talk on the challenges of producing an accurate model locomotive from a kit, including the manufacture of special tools and assembly jigs. After thanking Mr. Bentley, Mr. Kibler opened the AGM and thanked people for their attendance.
2. Apologies for Absence. G. Toulson, B. Yates & K. Norris.
3. Minutes of the Previous A.G.M. held on 25th April 2013 were given to all members; Mr Kibler proposed these should be accepted as a true record of the past AGM, this proposal was seconded by Mr Bentley and approved by a show of hands.
4. Matters Arising. None.
5. Nominations for Council. Having no new nominations, Mr. Toulson, Mr. Scholes and Mr. Rogers agreed to continue in their current roles if the membership wished them to do so. Mr. Murray nominated them and this was seconded by Mr. Blakeley, all three were elected with a show of hands.
6. Website. Mr. Shergill asked whether the members used the website and were they happy with the content. The general consensus was that it is being used and people are happy with the way it is developing.
7. Membership Report. Mr Murray said membership is slightly down, the current list is 81 members, down 3 from last year. He said in the last 2 years membership has reduced by 16 but two thirds of this loss is due to us removing people from the register if they have not paid subscriptions for 3 years. We currently have 12 members who are in arrears. We had three new members this year but it is becoming harder and harder to recruit. It is the job of all the members to promote the association. We no longer have corporate members, not through our choice but key people who worked for them, seem to have left the companies and it has proved impossible to get anyone new to take on the responsibility. Mr. Murray closed his report by saying we have a new member up for ratification tonight, his name is Ross Town, he was proposed by Mr. Bate and seconded by Mr. Battye, the members welcomed Ross with a show of hands.
8. Treasurers Report. Copies of the audited accounts for the year ending 31st October 2013 were circulated to members. Mr Bentley summarised the important details of the accounts to the membership and invited questions, none were asked. Mr. Hegarty proposed that the accounts should be accepted, this was seconded by Mr. Rogers and agreed with a show of hands by the membership. Anyone wishing to read a summary of these accounts, can read Mr. Mallinson’s report which features on the back page of the audited accounts and is available from Mr. Blakeley. Mr. Bentley closed his report by advising the membership that we would not be asking for an increase in subscriptions this year.
9. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler said the annual dinner would soon be upon us and asked that people get their ticket requests in as soon as possible. He said this year’s menu is improved and there will be complimentary wine on the table. The speaker will be a lady aviator, who will tell us about her epic solo flight to Australia.
10. Re- Affirmation of Trustees. Mr Kibler said we should confirm the names of the Trustees of Leeds Association of Engineers. He read out the names of the current trustees. Mr Kevin Hegarty and Mr John Bentley and asked that the membership confirm that they wish them to continue. This was confirmed by a show of hands of the membership.
11. Election of New Trustee. Mr. Kibler said we were very sad to lose Mr. Michael Armstrong a trustee of the association for many years and our longest serving member. Mr. Ian Blakeley has been nominated by council to take up Michael’s role as trustee and requires the acceptance by the membership before he can take on this role. This was done with a show of hands.
12. Notice of Forthcoming Events. Mr Kibler announced that the Annual Church Service on the 11th May, this will be followed by a bar meal at the Palace Hotel (local public house) and will be subsidised for members who attend the service. Other remaining events in this session include the Annual Golf Tournament and the Mid Summer Walk.
Any Other Business. Having no further business Mr Kibler closed the AGM after thanking all who attended for their contribution.
…………………………………..President. …………….. ………. Date