Anniversary Dinner ! – Coming soon…. Book now !!!

. Our 153rd Anniversary Dinner will be held on Saturday 6th April at Headingley Golf Club. Book your places now as there is only a month to go before the event… Don’t miss it ! You can book by contacting your Dinner Secretary Andrew Kibler. Full details including the menu for advance booking of your choices can be found on … Continue reading “Anniversary Dinner ! – Coming soon…. Book now !!!”

Christmas Message from the President…..

Christmas Greetings ! As the calendar year draws to a close I would like to thank members for their continued support. We have had some interesting events recently and several more are lined up in the New Year during our continuing session. I would like to warmly welcome new members to the association and ask that you join us for … Continue reading “Christmas Message from the President…..”

Mazda’s New Skyactiv-X Engine…..

Barrie Yates sent this link to an article about Mazda’s development of the internal combustion engine. Some development work on this principle was carried out in the Thermodynamics Laboratory of the University of Leeds.  Here is the link:-

I.Mech.E – Free Lecture in London…..

From a previous member Ian Mearns we have received at short notice details of an I.Mech.E. event in London.  For those of you who dare venture out of Yorkshire to such a scary place the details are as follows……. Join this free to attend lecture in London – Registration is required….. Contact details:-   For event enquiries: Phone: +44 (0) 20 … Continue reading “I.Mech.E – Free Lecture in London…..”

Report on the 2018 Golf Tournament and Photographs !

GOLF 2018 Photographs of the prize-giving following the dinner are posted following the report and results……. Leeds Association of Engineers – Golf Day Report – 2018 The Golf Day was held at Garforth GC on Friday 6th July. A good day was had by all and due to generous sponsorship there were very good prizes, 1st, 2nd & 3rd were … Continue reading “Report on the 2018 Golf Tournament and Photographs !”

Can anyone help with a lift to Meetings ?

Members, At the end of the last session our Programme Secretary received correspondence from David Bell, a long standing member of the association. It was received shortly after the excellent evening spent with Frank Smith who regaled us with his talk on sailing up beyond the North Cape. If any members are in the Harrogate area and can help then … Continue reading “Can anyone help with a lift to Meetings ?”

Photos from the 152nd Anniversary Dinner…..

. On the 7th April 2018 we held the 152nd Anniversary Dinner at Headingley Golf Club. For your diaries we have pencilled in 6th April 2019 for the 153rd Dinner and we hope that members and their guests will be able to join us. Further information will be made available closer to the event. Until then here are some photographic … Continue reading “Photos from the 152nd Anniversary Dinner…..”