‘Goldene’ a New Development in Materials Science…..

  Council Member (and now Trustee !) Barrie Yates keeps us up to date with some of the latest developments in Science and Engineering. You will recall he reported on an IET lecture on Graphene a few years ago. It was a fascinating lecture on a remarkable development in Materials Science. Barrie reports below on another development bearing similar qualities … Continue reading “‘Goldene’ a New Development in Materials Science…..”

Engineering in America – A Career Memoir….

  Council Member Andrew Kibler has a friend, Huston Ludlum, who has spent his career in engineering in the United States of America and he has forwarded a summary of his work experiences to Andrew who thought this memoir would be of interest to members and it is published here in two parts……. ************************************************************************ Huston Ludlum – The Path I … Continue reading “Engineering in America – A Career Memoir….”

Reminder to Book your Dinner Places !

Annual Dinner – Booking closes soon ! Our Anniversary Dinner is coming up on Saturday 20th April. We have a new venue this year so book your seat now by contacting Dinner Secretary Andrew Kibler. Bookings need to be made by the 6th April so please get in touch very soon. Annual Dinner .

Some Feedback following a Site Visit…..

It’s always good to receive feedback relating to the association and its activities and recently Malcolm Murray received a short message from Andrew Dawson, Managing Director of Siddall & Hilton, after he thanked him for allowing a visit to their facility. Several members visited the company and must have made quite an impression showing interest and asking pertinent questions. Mr. … Continue reading “Some Feedback following a Site Visit…..”

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year ! The President and Council wish our members, their families and friends a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for your support in the previous year. We look forward to seeing you at forthcoming events in 2024…. Cheers !             . . .  

Pleased to meet you… Martins Golubevs….

The Leeds Association of Engineers has for many years welcomed new young members and in the last couple of years four have joined the association. We are grateful to John Aldersley for introducing these young engineers to the association. John asked for a few words by way of an introduction from them and Martins has offered the following…..   “Hello, … Continue reading “Pleased to meet you… Martins Golubevs….”