The battery invented 120 years before its time…..

Barrie Yates forwarded an article from the BBC’s ‘Future Planet’ news sheet which might prove of interest to members….. The battery invented 120 years before its time… (Image credit: Getty Images) By Allison Hirschlag – 24th February 2021. At the turn of the 20th Century, Thomas Edison invented a battery with the unusual quirk of producing hydrogen. Now, 120 years later, … Continue reading “The battery invented 120 years before its time…..”

Call for Information for the Next Journal…..

. John Bentley has started gathering information and articles to be included in the next Journal. Any articles that might be of interest to members should be sent to him directly using the Contact link in the menu above. Obituaries are included in the Journal and unless we are informed of the passing of a member an obituary might be … Continue reading “Call for Information for the Next Journal…..”

An Employment Opportunity…..

One of the association’s aims is to offer assistance to members when required. Council have agreed that in these uncertain times it would be helpful to report on any opportunities available.  A personal friend of mine for over thirty years, John Burfield, has a company based in the South West and is looking to expand activities in the North and … Continue reading “An Employment Opportunity…..”

Fourth Generation Nuclear Fission…..

. Our member Barrie Yates who is also a member of the group ‘Supporters of Nuclear Energy’ (SONE has been corresponding with Simon Newton of Moltex Energy. Following an article in the New Scientist by Dr. Paul Dorfman, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Energy Institute, University College London (UCL), Mr. Newton was moved to respond to some points … Continue reading “Fourth Generation Nuclear Fission…..”

Anniversary Dinner…Coming Soon !!!

. The Leeds Association of Engineers 154th Anniversary Dinner is fast approaching and full details including the Menu and an Application Form are now on the website. Your Dinner Secretary, Andrew Kibler, awaits your applications…. Details can be found on the event page but here is a quick link:-  Dinner 2020 Book now !!!  We look forward to seeing you … Continue reading “Anniversary Dinner…Coming Soon !!!”