Changes to the Lecture Programme…..

. Please Note:-  Due to the lecturer being unavailable for the February event we have swapped lectures with the April event. Barrie Yates will now present his lecture on 27th February instead of following the AGM.  Jayanti Mistry will give his lecture following the AGM on 30th April. See the event pages using these links for further details….. February Lecture … Continue reading “Changes to the Lecture Programme…..”

A Realistic Assessment of Renewable Energy…..

. A lesson on Renewable Energy…..  Barrie Yates has forwarded a link to a short lecture on renewable energy which members might find interesting. Over six years ago the late David MacKay, or to give him his full title, Sir David John Cameron MacKay FRS FInstP FICE, gave a ‘TED.Ed.Warwick’ lecture with some surprising statistics, clearly illustrated and explained. He … Continue reading “A Realistic Assessment of Renewable Energy…..”

Mazda’s New Skyactiv-X Engine…..

Barrie Yates sent this link to an article about Mazda’s development of the internal combustion engine. Some development work on this principle was carried out in the Thermodynamics Laboratory of the University of Leeds.  Here is the link:-

Report on the 2018 Golf Tournament and Photographs !

GOLF 2018 Photographs of the prize-giving following the dinner are posted following the report and results……. Leeds Association of Engineers – Golf Day Report – 2018 The Golf Day was held at Garforth GC on Friday 6th July. A good day was had by all and due to generous sponsorship there were very good prizes, 1st, 2nd & 3rd were … Continue reading “Report on the 2018 Golf Tournament and Photographs !”

Photos from the 152nd Anniversary Dinner…..

. On the 7th April 2018 we held the 152nd Anniversary Dinner at Headingley Golf Club. For your diaries we have pencilled in 6th April 2019 for the 153rd Dinner and we hope that members and their guests will be able to join us. Further information will be made available closer to the event. Until then here are some photographic … Continue reading “Photos from the 152nd Anniversary Dinner…..”

Summer Solstice Walk – See the Events Menu…..

The next event is the Summer Solstice Walk and Supper…. Your Membership Secretary Malcolm Murray has kindly arranged the walk for your enjoyment. Don’t miss this popular summer event for a chance to meet up with friends, and maybe make some new ones ? This year it is a stroll along the banks of the Aire and Calder Navigation…… See … Continue reading “Summer Solstice Walk – See the Events Menu…..”