Council Meeting Minutes – October 2023

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 5th October 2023 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1. Attendance. G.Toulson in the chair with A. Rogers, M. Murray and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. J. Burton, A. Kibler, I. Scholes, J. Bentley, S. Stacey, B. Yates, G. Roper, R. Town and H. Soutar.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 7th September 2023 were, approved & signed.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. In the absence of Mr. Kibler his emailed report was read out by Mr. Toulson. The following transactions were reported :-

Date Transaction Debit Credit
8/Sep/23 Council Dinner Contribution 180.00
11/Sep/23 Council Dinner 270.00
2/Oct/23 M. Murray 7.50

Balance of Accounts was reported but not published here.

6. Correspondence. Nothing to report.

7. Membership. Nothing to report.

8. Current Programme. We have just had the first lecture of the season on the restoration of the Thunderbolt, a working model of a steam locomotive originally built at Leeds Grammar School this was well attended and enjoyed by all. The October event is a visit to Siddal & Hilton Limited, manufacturer of wire mesh security fencing based in Brighouse, this visit is restricted to eight people, places have been allocated on a first come first served basis (a second visit may be possible later in the year). We are still waiting for a response from Drakes at Golcar who we are hoping to visit in November, our current idea is to get Gary Briggs of James Walker Moorcroft to talk to us in January 2024 and Neil Cobbold (Leeds Association member) to give us a lecture in February 2024. Mr Town our President is trying to get us a visit to Carnaud Metal Box in March.

9. Next Session. Nothing to Report.

10. Website. Mr. Toulson advised us that photographs from this year’s golf tournament are now on the website along with an extensive report on the days event which was once again a roaring success thanks to the efforts of Mr. Stacey. Also on the website is a thankyou card from George Scholes (Grandson of Ian Scholes L.A.E. council member) who recently attended the Scout Jamboree in Seoul (South Korea). We donated our raffle money from our 2022 annual dinner to his fund raising efforts for the trip.

11. Golf. At the last meeting we touched upon whether players who are employees of a corporate member of Leeds Association of Engineers are eligible to win the Braime trophy. This was to be discussed at this council meeting but due to the limited number of council members present we decided to defer this discussion until next month. Mr. Stacey has submitted his views by email and this should form the basis of the discussion.

12. Annual Dinner. Not discussed at any length. The question was raised whether we should be offering free dinners to people who give us lectures or factory visits. This needs to be discussed when we have a full council in attendance.

13. Church Service. Only five people attended the last annual church service representing Leeds Association of Engineers and we no longer have reserved seats. The Reverend was not aware of the plaque in the church.

14. Meeting at Morley. We have been told that the Weight Watchers Club no longer require use of the church hall on Thursday evenings so we can start our meetings at 7.15pm as we did previously. At the next council meeting we need to confirm our booked dates with the Morley venue. We need to discuss the purchase of a laptop computer for the Leeds Association of Engineers, we cannot rely on either one of the members or the lecturer providing the hardware.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Toulson closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date