Bradford College 1878 to 1978 – A short story…..

LAE vice president John Aldersley came across a short publication about Bradford College that he thought would be of interest to members. Here are PDF files John supplied. The first two are the title and author pages but the main story is to be found using the last two files….. Start reading with ‘Page 1’ and continue with ‘Page 2 … Continue reading “Bradford College 1878 to 1978 – A short story…..”

URGENT ! Cancellation of 30th March 2023 lecture meeting…..

We are sorry to have to cancel tonight’s lecture meeting at such short notice but the speaker has been taken ill with suspected food poisoning. It is hoped that we can reschedule the lecture on a future date. Members have been emailed with news of the cancellation but if you know of anyone who may not have been contacted or … Continue reading “URGENT ! Cancellation of 30th March 2023 lecture meeting…..”

Anniversary Dinner – Reminder……..

Dear members, just a reminder….if you have not already booked places at the Anniversary Dinner on 15th April please book with the Dinner Secretary as soon as possible.  You are welcome to bring along your friends to enjoy this convivial evening with quizzes, prizes and of course a delicious dinner….Don’t miss this special event… See you there ! Click this … Continue reading “Anniversary Dinner – Reminder……..”

158th Anniversary Dinner – Saturday 15th April 2023….

158th Anniversary Dinner – Saturday 15th April 2023 Following the success of the dinner last year we will once again be holding the dinner in April at Headingley Golf Club. Menu Choices and an Application Form are here:- Dinner Menu for 15th April 2023 Dinner Application Form 2023 Dinner Secretary Andrew Kibler has made arrangements for this year’s dinner and sends … Continue reading “158th Anniversary Dinner – Saturday 15th April 2023….”

Keighley Association of Engineers – Forthcoming Events….

Invitations to Keighley Association of Engineers Forthcoming Events Our friends at Keighley Association of Engineers advise of two of their forthcoming events in December 2022 and invite our members to join them if space is available. Both need to be ‘booked’ as per the instructions on the flyers attached below. Of course, where numbers are limited on Keighley organised events … Continue reading “Keighley Association of Engineers – Forthcoming Events….”

November Talk on ‘Logistics’ – CANCELLED

An urgent message for those wishing to hear the talk on Logistics this evening, Thursday 24th November 2022. Good Afternoon, after a tense afternoon in contact with Andy Wormald tonight’s speaker he has car problems and is unable to attend. So the talk on “logistics” has been cancelled. As always we have an alternative which will be presented by our … Continue reading “November Talk on ‘Logistics’ – CANCELLED”

Student Award Winner – 2022…..

Student Award Winner 2022 – Harry Soutar For many years the Leeds Association of Engineers held an annual competition to make an award for the best student or apprentice of the year. Local companies and educational establishments assisted us by putting forward suitable candidates for the award.  The winner of the competition receives a prize as well as being presented … Continue reading “Student Award Winner – 2022…..”