Lecture: “The Motor Car: The Machine That Changed The World” – An Update……..

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Date(s) - 27/01/2022
7:15 pm - 9:00 pm

Morley Central Methodist Church Hall


“The Motor Car: The Machine that Changed the World”

…..An Update…..

Barrie Yates gave us a talk “The Machine that Changed the World” some time ago. Since then his take on the influence that the motor car has had has changed considerably with the latest developments in Electric Cars.

Come along to hear of the latest developments as Barrie guides us through this fast changing technology. He has offered this synopsis of his talk:-

“Many of you will remember my talk of some years ago, examining just how our cars have changed our lives and our environment. Now I will attempt to explore the changes that we are all having to make by changing our petrol and diesel fuels to more environmentally friendly ones.  Will we sit in driverless cars, and will the thrill of driving be gone forever? Come out, listen, and discuss!”

The lecture will be at our New Venue in Morley (click the link to see a post with full details).

As has been the custom we will retire to a local hostelry for refreshments and to enjoy further socialising. We look forward to seeing you in Morley !
