2012 Golf Tournament Pictures

President of the Leeds Association of Engineers, Jaswinder S. Shergill J.P. presents the Braime Trophy to this years’ winner, member Steve Stacey who won with 35 points.  Also in the picture is Hon. Golf Secretary, Kevin Hegarty, who has organised this popular event for many years.  This year Kevin won the Charles Brass Trophy.  Well done to all winners ! Below are … Continue reading “2012 Golf Tournament Pictures”

Bob Bray is now Vice-President of the British Horological Society

Bob Bray (LAE member) of Sinclair Harding, clockmakers, gave the opening lecture for the Ladies’ Evening in September 2010 when he told us about the extraordinarily superb clocks they make.  He brought along some samples of his craft to illustrate the talk, held at ‘Leeds Seventeen’. Bob is now Vice-President of the British Horological Society. Bob Bray (seated front) with the staff of Sinclair … Continue reading “Bob Bray is now Vice-President of the British Horological Society”

Obituary : James Arthur Tate (1923-2011)

James Arthur Tate, 1923- 2011, passed away peacefully at home on 7th October after a short illness. James joined the Association in 1959, giving support over many years, particularly at the Annual Dinners then held at the Metropole Hotel in Leeds, where he could be guaranteed to field a large number of colleagues and guests. He started his engineering career … Continue reading “Obituary : James Arthur Tate (1923-2011)”

YouTube : Technology, Entertainment and Design

Many people only see YouTube as an entertainment medium. This is very far from the truth as the variety of information available on YouTube is breathtaking. The link below will take you to another site known as TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design). There are hundreds of lectures on many subjects usually by the leaders in their particular field. http://www.ted.com Click here to … Continue reading “YouTube : Technology, Entertainment and Design”