November Talk on ‘Logistics’ – CANCELLED

An urgent message for those wishing to hear the talk on Logistics this evening, Thursday 24th November 2022.

Good Afternoon, after a tense afternoon in contact with Andy Wormald tonight’s speaker he has car problems and is unable to attend.

So the talk on “logistics” has been cancelled.

As always we have an alternative which will be presented by our council member Ian Scholes who has kindly agreed to stand in. His introduction is:-

A short presentation of photographs including some by Ian’s father from sixty years ago. This presentation is intended for family but hopefully will be of interest to our members.

Hope to see you at the presentation and it will be the last get together for a drink this year.

Hopefully we can reschedule the talk for next year.

See you soon, if not have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

