A Manifesto for Manufacturers….. Some sound advice from the past for young engineers…..

A Manifesto for Manufacturers ‘The Unwritten Laws of Engineering’ by W. Julian King was first published in 1944 as three articles in ‘Mechanical Engineering’ magazine. It has been in print as a book ever since.  So, however trite you find the language and the message just remember that the advice is still as good today as it was when first … Continue reading “A Manifesto for Manufacturers….. Some sound advice from the past for young engineers…..”

Visit Report: Huddersfield Railway Modellers

We were warmly welcomed by an enthusiastic group of railway modellers who put on a splendid display of their modelling skills with several operating layouts of 2mm, 4mm, 7mm and 16mm sections. LAE treasurer John Bentley brought along a couple of his own locomotives which were run on the layouts. The four different gauges offered something to interest all railway … Continue reading “Visit Report: Huddersfield Railway Modellers”

Obituary: Peter Ward – Past President of the LAE

The President and Council are sad to hear of the passing of Peter Ward who died on 1st October 2013.  Peter joined the association in 1973 and had been an active member and council member for many years in the roles of Journal Editor (1989-1992), Vice-President (1984-1968) and President (1986-1988).  He was Managing Director of Plastona Ltd. in Leeds, which … Continue reading “Obituary: Peter Ward – Past President of the LAE”

Subscriptions Due !

  Subscriptions for the current session have become due for payment on 1st November 2013.  Remittance Notices will be accompanying the posted November 2013 Newsletter. The subscription for Full Membership remains unchanged at £15.00 for the year. You can remit to the Membership Secretary at a meeting or visit.  Payment by post (preferred) can be made by sending your cheque … Continue reading “Subscriptions Due !”

Report on the ‘Quicksilver’ lecture….

Lecture Report by the President… Having taken a long time to organise this lecture and ensure it was well advertised, the attendance was very disappointing, particularly from our members. Apart from the council members I counted only 4-5 actual members of the association. In fact we had more students attend than our own members. With regard to the lecture it … Continue reading “Report on the ‘Quicksilver’ lecture….”

Primary Engineer – Inspiring children to become engineers…

Primary Engineer was established in 2005 as a not-for-profit company with the vision to encourage girls and boys from a very young age to become designers and makers, the engineers of the future. The programme now extends from the first year in primary school through to undergraduate study and industry. Primary Engineer is funded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, … Continue reading “Primary Engineer – Inspiring children to become engineers…”

World’s Smallest V12 Model Engine…

World’s Smallest V-12 Engine That Can Literally Fit In Your Hand  For the motor heads out there who think that only gigantic V-12′s are possible, prepare to be amazed. A Spanish engineer, Senor Patelo, has spent more than 1200 hours in creating the world’s smallest V-12 engine. Designed and crafted by the engineer himself, the 12 cc engine runs on … Continue reading “World’s Smallest V12 Model Engine…”

Obituary: Michael Armstrong – Trustee of the LAE

The President and Council are sad to have to report the passing of Michael Armstrong.  Michael graduated from university in 1945.  In his formative engineering training he spent six months at Clydebank being involved in building HMS Vanguard.  Following this experience he was appointed as Engineering Officer on board HMS Berwick.  He had two trips on this ship to Australia … Continue reading “Obituary: Michael Armstrong – Trustee of the LAE”