Primary Engineer – Inspiring children to become engineers…

Primary Engineer was established in 2005 as a not-for-profit company with the vision to encourage girls and boys from a very young age to become designers and makers, the engineers of the future.
The programme now extends from the first year in primary school through to undergraduate study and industry.
Primary Engineer is funded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Engineering UK, The Royal Academy of Engineers, councils, Universities, colleges and industry to work in specific regions or in curriculum areas.

The programme is designed to be a sustainable long term engagement with engineering. To enable this, teachers attend training sessions which are practical in nature; meet engineers who will work alongside them to inspire pupils and use resources designed for whole class use. Courseware is provided so that teachers can share the content during in-service training days within their primary schools.

You can find out more about Primary Engineer using the following link:-  Primary Engineer Overview 2013 September

Learn more about the Institutions of Primary Engineers and Secondary Engineers using the following link:-  IPrimEng Sept 2013

Any members who feel they would like to find out more and perhaps get involved should contact the Chief Executive using the email address shown in the documentation.

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