Funeral of Ken Norris…..

As reported recently association member Ken Norris sadly passed away. Several members attended his funeral, including Andrew Kibler who kindly provided some details of the Memorial Booklet from the service. Ken will be greatly missed, having been a regular attendee at our lectures and visits. Below are some pages from the Memorial Booklet, including a touching poem by Anthony Dawson.  … Continue reading “Funeral of Ken Norris…..”

Keighley Association of Engineers – Forthcoming Events….

Invitations to Keighley Association of Engineers Forthcoming Events Our friends at Keighley Association of Engineers advise of two of their forthcoming events in December 2022 and invite our members to join them if space is available. Both need to be ‘booked’ as per the instructions on the flyers attached below. Of course, where numbers are limited on Keighley organised events … Continue reading “Keighley Association of Engineers – Forthcoming Events….”

A Thank You letter from Scout – George Scholes….

At the recent annual dinner we had a special guest, George Scholes, grandson of council member Ian Scholes. A keen scout, George will be joining the 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea in 2023. The scout organisation has been a great supporter to charities over the years and so it was decided by council that George would be the … Continue reading “A Thank You letter from Scout – George Scholes….”

From Ciphers to Cyber Security…..

National Science & Media Museum – Bradford Council Member Jas Shergill recommends a visit to the National Science & Media Museum in Bradford where there is an exhibition running until 5th June 2022 entiltled “Top Secret: From Ciphers to Cyber Security” The theme is computing – from code breaking to the present day internet. The museum is open from Wednesday … Continue reading “From Ciphers to Cyber Security…..”

Welcome to the 2021/2022 Session of Events…..

The President and Council warmly welcome members to join us for the forthcoming session of events. It has been a difficult few months for us all and we have endeavoured to keep up interest with a couple of excellent online lectures from Frank Smith and Barrie Yates. The online ‘Zoom‘ meetings got off to a slightly wobbly start (!) as … Continue reading “Welcome to the 2021/2022 Session of Events…..”