Reminder:- Summer Solstice Walk….

Summer Solstice Walk Friday 24th June 7.00 pm With this year’s European elections on the Thursday it has been decided to hold the walk the day after. This year the walk will take place at St Aidan’s Country Park. It’s a stroll around the lake followed by refreshments and possibly a quiz. The refreshment destination has not been finalized yet … Continue reading “Reminder:- Summer Solstice Walk….”

The Leeds Minster 150th Year Commemorative Plaque….

The presentation of the Memorial Plaque produced to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Leeds Association of Engineers and its connection with St. Peter’s at Leeds (Leeds Parish Church) now known as Leeds Minster was made on Sunday 26th April 2015. The presentation was made by the President Andrew Kibler to Reverend Canon Charles Dobbin and one of the Churchwardens.   … Continue reading “The Leeds Minster 150th Year Commemorative Plaque….”

Report on the 2015 Golf Tournament…..

GOLF 2015 Photographs of the prize-giving are to be found after the results and sponsor list……. Captain: Barrie Yates (President)           Hon. Secretary: Steve Stacey This year the event was held at Garforth G. C. The weather, golf course and hospitality were excellent. The Braime Trophy was initially played for in 1936, which was also held … Continue reading “Report on the 2015 Golf Tournament…..”

Report on the 2015 Ladies’ Evening by President Andrew Kibler…. With Photos !

Well, for those of you that could not make this Ladies’ evening you missed a cracker !  The evening started with a talk from the head chef who presented two of his students who were going to do the live cooking. There were three different types of cooking presentation all based on ‘Spherification’. After the chefs showed how it was done … Continue reading “Report on the 2015 Ladies’ Evening by President Andrew Kibler…. With Photos !”

John Kelsall wins the 2014 Schneider Trophy…

The Leeds Association of Engineers salutes John Kelsall –   Winner of the 2014 Schneider Trophy ! . John has only recently joined the association having attended some of our annual dinners. In the past he has lectured to us about the Schneider Trophy as well as his passion for flight and building his own light aircraft.  He is the only … Continue reading “John Kelsall wins the 2014 Schneider Trophy…”

Events in the 2014-2015 Session….

Read about the events lined up for the current session by pulling down the ‘Events’ menu above (for a complete list) or clicking each one in ‘Forthcoming Events’ in the section at the right hand side.  There are still some events in 2015 to finalise, such as the Church Service, the Annual Dinner and the Golf Tournament. These will be … Continue reading “Events in the 2014-2015 Session….”

‘Quicksilver’ Corporate Club Events….

The President has had correspondence from Nigel MacKnight of the ‘Quicksilver’ Project………….  Greetings LAE Members,  Please could you inform your fellow Leeds Association of Engineers members that we have three Corporate Club events coming up – any of which they are very welcome to attend and they can invite their own guests as well !  The dates set are 6th … Continue reading “‘Quicksilver’ Corporate Club Events….”