Council Meeting Minutes – August 2021

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 5th August 2021 online.
The meeting was hosted by Mr. Kibler using the “Zoom” video conferencing application. This was necessary due to the national Covid – 19 requirements for social distancing.

1. Attendance. R. Town in the chair with, J. Aldersley, I. Scholes, A. Kibler, G. Toulson, J. Burton, B. Yates, J. Shergill, G. Roper, H. Kingswell and J. Bentley.

2. Apologies for absence. S. Stacey, M. Murray, A. Rogers and I. Blakeley.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Dated 8th July 2021 were approved.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported the following financial transactions: –

Payments: – £14.39 for use of the Zoom online meeting facility for July.
£39.99 Mr. Murray for ink, paper and Solstice Walk refreshments.

6. Correspondence. Mr. Toulson advised that he had been in touch with Mr. Stacey regarding the September council meeting and read out an emailed reply. Mr. Stacey had visited Headingley Golf Club and provisionally booked Thursday 2nd September for the meeting and dinner with club manager Jon Hall, although it was agreed that it cannot be a definite arrangement and that it would be discussed again near the end of August.

7. Membership. Mr. Town has signed up for membership three of his work colleagues at Thorite:- Mick Rhodes, Technical Manager; Scott Emmerson, Engineering Manager and Mike Perry, Technical Solutions Manager. Mike is also a keen golfer. Mr. Town advised that his company’s newsletter ‘Thorite Pneus’ is planned to be reintroduced and that he has written an introductory article about the association which he hopes will be included in the publication. Mr. Shergill asked if a link to the article in the publication could be added to our website. Mr. Toulson offered to add an appropriate link and asked Mr. Town if he could advise when it had been published. Mr. Town had proposed the three new members and Mr. Murray had offered to second the applications. He asked for a show of hands to approve the new members and this was carried.

8. Current Programme. Nothing to report.

9. Next Session. Mr. Yates asked if it was now in order to start booking lectures and if we had a venue arranged. Mr. Scholes confirmed that the proposed venue in Morley was available. Mr. Yates asked Mr. Roper if he had made progress with a speaker for October. Mr. Roper replied that his speaker, John Sugden, would be willing to lecture on ‘Anaesthesia and the History of Anaesthesia’ with particular reference to experiences at Leeds Infirmary. Mr. Roper will pass over the speaker’s details to Mr. Toulson who will further pursue the arrangements for the lecture. Mr. Yates said he would book Bruce MacDougall for the November lecture. Mr. Kibler had been in touch with Neil at Kirklees Light Railway, now known as ‘Whistlestop Valley Railway’ and awaits confirmation of the visit that is still looking good for the end of September. The visit will include a train ride, a look in the engine shed and a light buffet of cakes and sandwiches. Mr. Kibler advised that Neil is a service engineer for ‘Caterpillar’ and he is also a pilot. With this in mind Mr. Kibler will investigate the possibility of a visit to Sherburn Airfield where Neil flies. This might have to be a day visit. Mr. Scholes asked if he should make firm bookings for the lectures in October and November. This was agreed. Mr. Toulson requested full details of the new lecture venue in order to add these to the website. Mr. Scholes said he would supply these shortly once he had confirmed the correct postcode.

10. Website. Mr. Toulson said he had nothing to report. Mr. Yates asked council members if they looked at the website and asked that others might offer articles for Mr. Toulson to upload. Mr. Kibler said he had a Facebook article in mind about a ‘special build’ and he will advise Mr. Toulson of the details.

11. Journal. Nothing to report.

12. Annual Golf Tournament. Nothing to report. Mr. Toulson reminded members that Mr. Stacey had provisionally booked the next tournament to be held in June 2022.

13. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler said the situation remains unchanged but that he hoped the dinner would go ahead next April as proposed. Mr. Shergill suggested reducing the number of guests at the dinner if this would help with arrangements to allow the dinner to be held. Mr. Kibler said we only expected in the region of fifty people at the dinner, so this should not be a problem. He advised that as before any speakers giving lectures to the association will be offered a free place at the annual dinner. Mr. Toulson asked Mr. Roper to mention this to his proposed speaker as an additional ‘sweetener’ to confirm the lecture booking. Mr. Kibler commented that the cost of the dinner to the association will probably increase to around £22.00 but it is hoped to keep the ticket price at £25.00 as before, even if this required additional subsidy by the association. Mr. Toulson commented that the dinner cost to the association may be as much as £25.00. Mr. Shergill agreed and pointed out that food prices have greatly increased recently.

14. Solstice Walk. Nothing to report.

15. Church Service. Nothing to report.

16. Meeting Rooms. Mr. Town requested that we publicise the proposed events on the website as soon as they are confirmed and that details of the new Meeting Room are advised for the members. Mr. Toulson confirmed that he would do this.

17. Council Meetings. Mr. Toulson advised the date for the next council meeting as Thursday 2nd September to be held at Headingley Golf Club. Mr. Kibler asked when the meeting would be confirmed and noted that the golf club will need to know numbers for catering. Mr. Toulson said he would contact Mr. Stacey in the next couple of weeks and allow time for adequate notice to be given for both council members and the golf club.

Any other Business. Mr. Aldersley asked if anyone had heard from Mr. Hegarty recently but no news was available. He also advised that he would be asking his college to join the association as a corporate member. Mr. Scholes offered his apologies for the September council meeting as he will be on holiday. Having no other business Mr. Town closed the meeting after thanking those who attended.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date