Council Meeting Minutes – June 2020

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 18th June 2020 online.
The meeting was hosted by Mr. Kibler using the ‘Zoom’ video conferencing application.
This was necessary due to the national Covid-19 requirement for social distancing.

1. Attendance. R. Town in the chair with, I. Scholes, A. Kibler, J. Bentley, H. Kingswell, J. Shergill, G. Toulson, M. Murray, J. Burton & A. Rogers.

2. Apologies for absence. S. Stacey and I. Blakeley.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Dated 5th March 2020 were approved & signed by the president.

4. Matters Arising. None.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr.Kibler reported bank transactions as follows:-

20th April Flowers – £42.00
31st March Website – £49.79

6. Correspondence. None.

7. Membership. Following a general discussion council agreed to a year’s free membership ‘across the board’ and so subscriptions will not be collected for the next session. Mr. Murray said he would advise this in the next newsletter.

8. Current Programme. Mr.Kibler had been in touch with Kirklees Light Railway and arranged with them to keep the booking we had made for a visit and arrange a date in the future when it was safe to do so.

9. Next Session. It was agreed that until the current situation with the Covid-19 virus is resolved the next session is an ‘unknown’ and no arrangements can be made. Mr. Aldersley advised that ‘Drakes’ were still willing to offer a visit in the future. He also advised that Ian McKay, who had lectured previously, had offered to give another lecture.

10. Website. The President requested of Mr.Toulson that any outstanding events, such as the Golf Tournament, now be marked as cancelled or postponed, as it was unlikely that they would be taking place for the foreseeable future, and most likely would be rearranged for next year.

11. Journal. Mr. Murray advised Mr. Bentley that he would send an up to date list of members for inclusion in the next journal. Mr. Aldersley proposed that Ms. Burton might possibly be featured in a write up in the journal as being the first ever female council member in the history of the association.

12. Annual Golf Tournament. As noted in the website item the Golf Tournament will be clearly marked ‘suspended/postponed’ in the heading of the event detail on the website.

13. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler advised that the dinner was now considered to be cancelled. No deposit had been paid to the Golf Club. Any members who had paid should by now have been refunded. Mr. Bentley asked if those who had given a talk to the association in the past would still be invited to a future dinner and Mr. Kibler advised that this would be so. Mr. Murray pointed out a discrepancy in the previous minutes indicating that he had received a £100 refund for the dinner. This should have been marked as a refund to Mr. Toulson, who said he would correct the minutes on the website accordingly.

Any other Business. Mr. Murray asked what might be arranged for future meetings. The President advised that one metre social distancing might mean we could possibly hold meetings but this would need to be discussed at a later date. Mr. Murray noted that due to there being no AGM this year there had been no re-elections to various council posts. It was agreed to delay any re-election processes until next year.
Following questions about a suitable date for the next online meeting Mr. Toulson proposed that Thursday 16th July might be a suitable date and this was agreed. Mr. Toulson said that he would circulate the usual reminder of the meeting closer to the date. The President then closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date