Council Meeting Minutes – March 2014

                                        THE LEEDS ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 6th March 2014 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1.    Attendance. A. Kibler (President) in the chair with J. Aldersley,
A. Rogers, I. Scholes, M. Murray, J. McClarty, B. Yates, J. Shergill and
I. Blakeley.

2.    Apologies for Absence. G. Toulson, J. Bentley and K. Hegarty.

3.    Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 6th February 2014 were approved & signed.

4.    Matters Arising.  None.

5.    Treasurers Report.  Mr. Bentley had sent his report by email this was presented by Mr. Kibler. The following transactions were reported.

Bank transactions

Debits January and February 2014
Quicksilver lecture Theatre Hire (Leeds University)             £106.02

3.1/2% war stock      £3.75
Subscriptions           £65.00

We donated £100 to Yorkshire Air Ambulance at our last lecture meeting but this is not included in the above.

Savings Account Balance    –   No longer disclosed in Council minutes.

6.    Church Commemorative Plaque.  Mr. Kibler has been in contact with Rev. Tony Bundock and showed us a copy of the church emblem on his phone. He said the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) would like to see our emblem on the plaque.

7.    Correspondence.  Mr. Murray said Mr. Toulson needs details of the lecture that accompanies the AGM so he can post on the website.

8.    Membership. Nothing to report.

9.    Current Programme. Mr. Murray will be on holiday from the 23rd April  so will need menu for the Annual Dinner before then so he can send out the flyer. Mr. Rogers, Mr. Shergill and Mr. Toulson are to visit ‘Leeds Seventeen’ to confirm the arrangements. They will supply Mr. Murray with the information first week in April. Mr. Blakeley to check minutes of last AGM for rotation of Council Members.

10.    Next Session.  Mr. Kibler will contact Harry Jackson to see if he has any lectures that he feels will be appropriate for our group. Mr. Murray will try once more to contact ‘Letter Press’ to ask if they will allow us a factory visit, he said it is difficult because this is happening  through a third party (sales representative who visits his work place). Mr Yates suggested that we use the Leeds University again for our lectures. We felt it would be hard to justify the cost based on the numbers attending.  Mr. Blakeley to compare attendance figures since we changed our lecture venue to Cleckheaton. Nigel McKnight (Quicksilver) has expressed an interest in giving us an update (second lecture) but we feel reluctant to ask him back for such small numbers.

11.    Website. Comments were that the website looks very professional and content is kept up to date.

12.    Journal. Nothing to report, other than Mr. Murray has no journals for new members. Mr. Kibler will try scan his copy and post on the website. Mr. Scholes will check whether he has an electronic copy from when he did the printing a few years ago.

13.     Golf. Nothing to report.

14.     Annual Dinner. Mr. Rogers intends to bring the menu for approval to the April Council meeting. Mr. Kibler said that at the last lecture meeting we discussed making Yorkshire Air Ambulance our sole nominated charity at the Annual Dinner. We voted and agreed to do this, with one vote against. Mr. Kibler said he will inform the vicar (Rev.Tony Bundock) of our decision and Mr. Rogers said he will make sure the Lord Mayor’s office are aware of this.

Any other Business.  Having no other business Mr. Kibler closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President.            ……………… Date