Council Meeting Minutes – November 2018

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on Thursday 1st November 2018 at the Cornerhouse Club Leeds.

1. Attendance. J. Aldersley President in the chair with I. Scholes, J. Bentley, A. Rogers, M. Murray, H. Kingswell, A. Kibler, S. Stacey, J. Shergill and I. Blakeley.

2. Apologies for absence. R. Town, G. Toulson, G. Roper and K. Hegarty.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, dated 4th October 2018 were approved & signed.

4. Matters Arising. Mr. Murray told us that he has not heard from Julian Heyworth (Managing Director of Meltog) with regard the potential factory visit reported last month.

5. Treasurers Report. Mr. Kibler reported the only transaction was a payment of £50 to the lecturer for the September meeting.

6. Correspondence. Mr. Aldersley has received an email from the President of Keighley Association suggesting that we form closer links between our organisations. He suggested that we might have a quiz or some social event. We agreed that we should share our contact lists in order to enhance both our programmes of events. Mr. Aldersley said our new member in Australia sent us some information for publishing on our website.

7. Membership. Mr. Murray said that we have had no new applications for membership this month. However, he questioned what we do now that Apris, free one year corporate membership has expired. Mr Aldersley has been in contact with Mr. Town (our Vice President) who in turn had been speaking to his Managing Director at work who is a close friend of the person in overall charge at Apris. He suggests that we continue our relationship with Apris and we agreed that we should give them a further year free membership with a view to awarding a student prize next year. It was suggested that UTC Leeds might be a better possibility for finding a suitable candidate for a student award.

8. Annual Church Service. Mr. Scholes will email Leeds Parish Church and ask if they can allocate a date for our annual church service.

9. Current Programme. Mr. Toulson tried contacting Allied Glass again but was told by Human Resources that he could not speak to them without a contact name, they are proving almost impossible to communicate with. We were hoping to visit Allied Glass on the 28th February so we need to find an alternative. We also need to find something on the 23rd May for the ladies evening. Mr. Shergill will speak to one of his contacts who is a civil engineer with a view to him giving us a talk. We discussed the possibility of purchasing a laptop because of the issues we had at the Jowett lecture. We decided we would discuss this in more depth when Mr. Toulson returns from his travels.

10. Next Session. One of Mr. Town’s contacts at Thorite (his employer) is listing some contact names for us.

11. Website. Mr. Toulson keeps updating it.

12. Facebook. Mr. Aldersley has been in contact with Tom who will take the promotional video Mr. Kingswell is making and put it on you tube. Mr. Kingswell will get copies of the Leeds Association Logo from Mr. Kibler for incorporating into the video.

13. Golf. Mr Stacey told us that the most likely venue for the 2019 tournament is Cobble Hall, he is looking at the possibility of a midweek tournament, his preferred date is Tuesday 2nd July. The format of the day would be as previous years with non- golfers attending for the evening meal only. He is expecting an email from Cobble Hall tomorrow. Mr. Stacey said he is hoping for a minimum of 30 people and is trying to get the whole day for £56.00 per person

14. Annual Dinner. Mr. Kibler said that it is too early to organise anything yet, he will leave everything for the new year.

Any other Business. Having no other business Mr. Aldersley closed the meeting.


……………………………………………President. ……………….. Date