150th Anniversary Presentation to Leeds Minster….

This year the Leeds Association of Engineers celebrates its 150th anniversary since being formed in 1865. This post is to bring to your attention this very special event in our calendar. Click this link for further details:-   Commemorative Plaque A special Commemorative Memorial Plaque is to be unveiled at Leeds Minster, better known to most of us as Leeds Parish … Continue reading “150th Anniversary Presentation to Leeds Minster….”

Forthcoming Session of Lectures and Visits….

Your President, Barrie Yates, sends greeting to members and hopes you have all had a good summer during this 150th anniversary year of the Leeds Association of Engineers. Click here to read Barrie’s message to members….   President’s Letter 2015 The 2015-2016 session of lectures and visits kicks off on 24th September with a talk by our very own John … Continue reading “Forthcoming Session of Lectures and Visits….”

Report on the 2015 Golf Tournament…..

GOLF 2015 Photographs of the prize-giving are to be found after the results and sponsor list……. Captain: Barrie Yates (President)           Hon. Secretary: Steve Stacey This year the event was held at Garforth G. C. The weather, golf course and hospitality were excellent. The Braime Trophy was initially played for in 1936, which was also held … Continue reading “Report on the 2015 Golf Tournament…..”

Report on the 2015 Anniversary Dinner – with Photos !

On Saturday 18th April 2015 the association held its 149th Anniversary Dinner at Headingley Golf Club. This was the first time that we have used this venue for the anniversary dinner and it seemed to be very popular with the guests, especially as the food choice and quality were judged to be excellent. Photographs taken during the evening can be … Continue reading “Report on the 2015 Anniversary Dinner – with Photos !”

Annual Church Service

The Annual Church Service will be held at Leeds Minster on Sunday April 26th 2015 at 10.30 am. This year there is to be a special presentation…..  A commemorative plaque is to be presented to Leeds Minster… Read more about this and the church service here….  Church Service         .  

Report on the 2015 Ladies’ Evening by President Andrew Kibler…. With Photos !

Well, for those of you that could not make this Ladies’ evening you missed a cracker !  The evening started with a talk from the head chef who presented two of his students who were going to do the live cooking. There were three different types of cooking presentation all based on ‘Spherification’. After the chefs showed how it was done … Continue reading “Report on the 2015 Ladies’ Evening by President Andrew Kibler…. With Photos !”

Hull Association of Engineers Dinner….

Support our friends in Hull for their Annual Dinner… . Members of the Leeds Association have been invited to the Hull Association of Engineers Dinner on Friday 20th March 2015. Your President Andrew Kibler will be attending as their guest to represent us but any members and guests of the LAE would be most welcome. The cost for the dinner … Continue reading “Hull Association of Engineers Dinner….”