Diamond Jubilee Dinner 1925

The association was formed in 1865 and in 1925 a Diamond Jubilee Dinner was held.  In the papers of the late Bill Shelton we discovered a photograph, believed to be an extract from a journal of that time, showing members and guests from kindred associations.  A hand written note in the border informs us that there were two surviving members still alive in 1965 at the time of the Centenary Dinner.  These were Messrs. A. W. R. Hutley and Thos. Cooke, who was the President back in 1925.

The custom at the time was to have an invited ‘Chairman’ of the dinner, usually a distinguished gentleman.  For the 1925 dinner the Chairman (fourth from the left in the middle row) was Sir W. H. Ellis G.B.E., D.Eng., J.P. who was President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.  We note also that the Leeds Association of Engineers apparently had a ‘Librarian’ on the council of officers…..