The Cassini Probe – To Saturn, but not beyond…..

September 15th 2017 was a momentous day in the world of space exploration. The Cassini Probe, launched way back on October 15th 1997, ended its mission by entering the atmosphere of the planet Saturn whereupon it would be destroyed by the forces of entry.   To give it its full title the Cassini-Huygens Mission was to be one of the … Continue reading “The Cassini Probe – To Saturn, but not beyond…..”

Lecture: William Gascoigne – Leeds Astronomer…

William Gascoigne – Leeds Astronomer The Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society are holding a public lecture by David Sellers which should be of interest to LAE members.  Details are below and there is also a link to a PDF document published by the society….. William Gascoigne (1612 – 44) Leeds Astronomer – by David Sellers “How a spider put Leeds … Continue reading “Lecture: William Gascoigne – Leeds Astronomer…”

President’s Letter 2017/2018 Session

President’s Letter 2017/18 Session I would like to introduce myself to you all, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you at talks and visits over the past few years but a large majority I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting personally. I was born in Bradford and served my apprenticeship at International Harvesters at the former … Continue reading “President’s Letter 2017/2018 Session”

Obituary – Leslie Holmes – LAE Member

Leslie Holmes – passed away 20th June  2017 We are sad to hear of the passing of member ‘Les’ Holmes who joined the association in March 2002, and was a regular attendee at lectures and visits. Les was born in April 1940 in Sutton-in-Craven and attended Keighley Grammar School before becoming an apprentice at Landis Lund.  After that he had short … Continue reading “Obituary – Leslie Holmes – LAE Member”

The Flying Car…..

The idea of a flying car as a mode of personal transport has been imagined for almost a century ever since the Wright Brothers first took to the air in the first heavier-than-air powered aircraft on December 17th 1903.   In 1926 Henry Ford displayed an experimental single seat aircraft called the ‘Sky Flivver’. It wasn’t so much a flying … Continue reading “The Flying Car…..”

Harley-Davidson – A 1925 Motorcycle Resurrection…..

Our President Barrie Yates has a friend Paul Duff who has performed a miracle resurrection (it might be an understatement to call it a restoration) of a 1925 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Paul acquired a pile of parts which were almost unrecognisable as what was once a motorcycle and he has painstakingly rebuilt this machine into the fine example that we can … Continue reading “Harley-Davidson – A 1925 Motorcycle Resurrection…..”