Student Award Winner – 2022…..

Student Award Winner 2022 – Harry Soutar

For many years the Leeds Association of Engineers held an annual competition to make an award for the best student or apprentice of the year. Local companies and educational establishments assisted us by putting forward suitable candidates for the award.  The winner of the competition receives a prize as well as being presented with a shield with an engraved plaque. After a gap of several years we were pleased to once again be able to hold the competition.

LAE President Ross Town presents Harry Soutar with the Shield for winning the Student Award 2022

The 2022 winner of the competition is eighteen year old Harry Soutar.  As well as being presented with the shield, bearing a plaque with his name, which he will hold for a year, Harry received the prize of a Mitutoyo Digital Caliper and free membership of the association for the first year. Here are Harry’s own words to introduce himself to members…

“Hi ! I’m Harry, I’m a final year general engineering student at the School of Engineering, Leeds City College. Soon to be a first-year Aerospace Engineering student at university. I have recently joined the association although I have been aware of it and somewhat involved for over a year, due to one of my course tutors, John Aldersley (our vice-president). John put me forward for the association’s student award for my continued interest and progression in the field of engineering. I am so grateful to John for putting me forward and to all the other members who aided in organising it. I look forward to seeing who wins next year and hopefully welcome them into the association as a fellow student member. “

Harry has already started to make his mark in the association by becoming a member of council. We wish him well with his studies and hope he will enjoy being an active member of the council and the association.

