Quicksilver – An update on the World Water Speed Record Project….

‘QUICKSILVER’ NEWS UPDATE:- Members may recall a lecture given by Nigel Macknight on his project to break the world water speed record. The World Unlimited water speed record is the officially recognised fastest speed achieved by a water-borne vehicle. The current record is 511 km/h (318 mph) – achieved by Australian Ken Warby in the Spirit of Australia in 1978. The … Continue reading “Quicksilver – An update on the World Water Speed Record Project….”

President’s Letter 2017/2018 Session

President’s Letter 2017/18 Session I would like to introduce myself to you all, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you at talks and visits over the past few years but a large majority I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting personally. I was born in Bradford and served my apprenticeship at International Harvesters at the former … Continue reading “President’s Letter 2017/2018 Session”

Obituary – Leslie Holmes – LAE Member

Leslie Holmes – passed away 20th June  2017 We are sad to hear of the passing of member ‘Les’ Holmes who joined the association in March 2002, and was a regular attendee at lectures and visits. Les was born in April 1940 in Sutton-in-Craven and attended Keighley Grammar School before becoming an apprentice at Landis Lund.  After that he had short … Continue reading “Obituary – Leslie Holmes – LAE Member”

Reminder of 2017 AGM, Minutes from 2016 AGM and Lecture……

THE 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & LECTURE…. The AGM will be held on Thursday 27th April 2017 at the usual Cleckheaton venue. (Meeting Venue) This link will take you to the event page……  AGM & Lecture  (all links open in a new tab…) You can read, download and print a copy of last year’s minutes in advance of the meeting. A … Continue reading “Reminder of 2017 AGM, Minutes from 2016 AGM and Lecture……”

Quicksilver World Water Speed Record – Update….

The Leeds Association of Engineers is proud to be one of the corporate sponsors of the Quicksilver World Water Speed Record Craft.                 Our associate Nigel Macknight, who is the principal of the project, has sent us an update on this exciting record attempt. The record is at present held by an Australian … Continue reading “Quicksilver World Water Speed Record – Update….”

Miniature Schneider Trophies…. by John Kelsall

Leeds Association member John Kelsall has written an interesting and amusing report about producing ‘Miniature Schneider Trophies‘. It was originally sent to members of the committee of the Royal Aero Club of which John is a member. He sent a copy to our President, Barrie Yates, and with John’s permission we publish it here for your enjoyment…. Miniature Schneider Trophies … Continue reading “Miniature Schneider Trophies…. by John Kelsall”