Report on the January Meeting….. by Alex Rogers

At the meeting on the 26th January 2017 we arranged to have a talk given by the West Yorkshire Lieutenancy, which was organised by our council member Jas. Shergill J.P. and what a good and interesting evening it turned out to be. The deputy Lord Lieutenant who addressed us at our meeting was David Pearson, a very charming gentleman indeed, … Continue reading “Report on the January Meeting….. by Alex Rogers”

Report on the 2016 Golf Tournament and Photographs !

GOLF 2016 Photographs (recently added) of the prize-giving following the dinner are posted following the report……. Captain – Barrie J. Yates                                   Hon. Golf Secretary – Steve Stacey This year the event was held at Leeds G. C. The golf course, hospitality and catering were … Continue reading “Report on the 2016 Golf Tournament and Photographs !”

“Black Five” – An Article By John Bentley…..

Here is a treat for all you locomotive enthusiasts ! You will recall keen railway modeller, our Treasurer John Bentley, lecturing on his hobby of building model locomotives. I have cajoled him to put together an article about his latest model, the Stanier ‘Black Five’ along with some photographs (after the article). Thank you John for your contribution… GT – Editor. … Continue reading ““Black Five” – An Article By John Bentley…..”