Report on the ‘Quicksilver’ lecture….

Lecture Report by the President… Having taken a long time to organise this lecture and ensure it was well advertised, the attendance was very disappointing, particularly from our members. Apart from the council members I counted only 4-5 actual members of the association. In fact we had more students attend than our own members. With regard to the lecture it … Continue reading “Report on the ‘Quicksilver’ lecture….”

Primary Engineer – Inspiring children to become engineers…

Primary Engineer was established in 2005 as a not-for-profit company with the vision to encourage girls and boys from a very young age to become designers and makers, the engineers of the future. The programme now extends from the first year in primary school through to undergraduate study and industry. Primary Engineer is funded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, … Continue reading “Primary Engineer – Inspiring children to become engineers…”

World’s Smallest V12 Model Engine…

World’s Smallest V-12 Engine That Can Literally Fit In Your Hand  For the motor heads out there who think that only gigantic V-12′s are possible, prepare to be amazed. A Spanish engineer, Senor Patelo, has spent more than 1200 hours in creating the world’s smallest V-12 engine. Designed and crafted by the engineer himself, the 12 cc engine runs on … Continue reading “World’s Smallest V12 Model Engine…”

Obituary: Michael Armstrong – Trustee of the LAE

The President and Council are sad to have to report the passing of Michael Armstrong.  Michael graduated from university in 1945.  In his formative engineering training he spent six months at Clydebank being involved in building HMS Vanguard.  Following this experience he was appointed as Engineering Officer on board HMS Berwick.  He had two trips on this ship to Australia … Continue reading “Obituary: Michael Armstrong – Trustee of the LAE”

Obituary: Wing Commander Ken Wallis 1916-2013

It has come to the notice of the association today of the passing of Wing Commander Ken Wallis.  He came to Leeds many years ago to talk to us about his life and exploits, particularly in relation to autogyros.  I well remember a packed lecture theatre at the University of Leeds being enthralled by his illustrated stories and anecdotes. He … Continue reading “Obituary: Wing Commander Ken Wallis 1916-2013”

2013-2014 Session of Events….

Details of the 2013-2014 Session of Events are becoming available on the website.  We still have a few events to finalise and details of these will be made available as soon as possible. Our session opener will be a prestige lecture at the end of October entitled ‘Quicksilver – Britain’s World Water Speed Record Challenge‘ by Nigel MacKnight, the founder … Continue reading “2013-2014 Session of Events….”